the epoch times

Many Democrats criticize Biden, claim he fails to address growing threat.

House ⁢Democrats and⁣ Republicans‍ Call on Biden Administration to Take​ Stronger‌ Stance on Iran Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict

Over⁣ 60 House Democrats, along with several dozen Republicans,⁤ have joined forces to urge ‍President Joe Biden’s administration to‌ adopt ‌a more⁢ assertive approach towards Iran in light of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

In a letter dated October 17, the lawmakers emphasized the need to hold Iran accountable for its continued funding of Hamas and Islamic terrorism, urging the administration to take decisive action to‍ cut off Iranian funding sources.

The letter was spearheaded by​ Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), Don⁤ Bacon‌ (R-Neb.), Jared ‍Moskowitz (D-Fla.), and Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.),‌ and‍ garnered support from 63 Democrats and‍ 50 Republicans.

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The lawmakers called for severe punishment, including maximum ‍enforcement of U.S. sanctions and​ cutting off Iran’s oil ⁤trade with⁣ China, which currently generates $150​ million in​ daily revenue. They also highlighted the impending expiration⁤ of United⁣ Nations⁤ sanctions ​on Iran’s‍ ballistic missile program, stressing ‌that this ‍must not be allowed to happen.

Furthermore, the 110‍ House lawmakers urged President Biden to collaborate with ⁣European allies ​to swiftly implement snapback sanctions on Iran during a UN Security Council meeting. They emphasized the importance of ‍pressuring Qatar and Turkey‌ to cease their support for Hamas and expel its ⁢leadership.

Senate Supports Israel ⁤with Bipartisan Delegation and Aid Package

The Senate has also shown bipartisan support for‌ Israel during ‍the conflict. Senate Majority ⁣Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) led a delegation,⁣ including‌ Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah), on a visit to Israel, promising to pass a military aid⁢ package ‍upon⁣ their return.

Speaking on the Senate floor, Schumer emphasized ⁢the urgency⁤ of providing Israel‍ with ‌the necessary military aid, stating⁢ that the package⁢ must be expedited.

President Biden has reiterated his support⁤ for Israel’s right to ‌defend itself ‍against Hamas, a designated terrorist ⁢organization ‍that receives backing from Iran. However, he has also expressed concern‍ for ‍the humanitarian situation in​ Gaza and attempted to strike a delicate balance between supporting Israel and addressing the needs of​ the civilian population.

The Treasury Department‌ has ‌already imposed⁢ nearly 1,000 sanctions on Iranian officials and proxies such‌ as Hezbollah and Hamas, reaffirming its commitment to countering Iran’s destabilizing activities.

While U.S. officials⁢ have not publicly ‌confirmed Iran’s involvement‍ in the recent attacks on southern Israel, Iranian leaders, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, have praised Hamas⁢ for its ⁢actions. Hamas’s representative‍ in Lebanon, Ahmed ‌Abdulhadi, revealed that the ‍group collaborated with Hezbollah and Iran‌ throughout the conflict.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that Israel’s objective is to eliminate⁣ Hamas’s political⁤ and military control over Gaza. He ‍emphasized⁢ that this is not ‍just Israel’s fight,⁣ but a battle ⁢for all civilized nations.

Although ‍Israel has positioned troops at the border in preparation for a potential⁢ ground offensive, ⁢no concrete decisions⁢ have⁣ been made‌ yet. The United States and Israel have agreed to develop a plan to ​deliver humanitarian aid to⁢ Gaza, including the creation of safe areas for civilians.

General Erik Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command, is currently in Tel Aviv for meetings with Israeli military authorities ‍ahead of President ​Biden’s visit. Biden will ⁢also meet ⁢with​ Arab leaders in Jordan to⁢ address regional ⁣concerns about the escalating conflict.

The Epoch Times has ‍reached out to the White House for ⁣comment ⁤on the lawmakers’ letter.

The Associated Press⁤ contributed to this report.

What⁢ actions ⁤are⁤ House ⁢Democrats and Republicans urging the Biden administration to take regarding Iran’s funding sources?

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Additionally, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ​has⁢ introduced a bipartisan bill⁤ that aims to provide $1 ⁤billion in emergency military funding to Israel. The bill, co-sponsored by Senators‌ Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Lindsey ‍Graham ‌(R-S.C.), underscores that ‍the United States stands ‍with Israel in its fight against terrorism.

During their visit to Israel, the Senate delegation also⁣ met with‍ Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and discussed the need for sustained action against Iran’s support for Hamas. They reaffirmed‍ the importance of holding Iran accountable and reiterated their ⁢commitment to Israel’s security.

The Biden‍ Administration’s Response

The Biden ‍administration has expressed support for Israel’s ‍right to defend‌ itself against Hamas rocket attacks. However, it has been criticized for not ​taking a stronger stance against Iran’s role‌ in funding terrorism and destabilizing the region.

President Biden has called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and has urged for a return to diplomacy. While⁣ diplomacy is crucial, it is equally ​important to address the root cause of the conflict, ⁢which⁤ involves Iran’s‌ support for Hamas.

House Democrats and Republicans are urging ⁢the Biden administration to go beyond mere rhetoric⁣ and ⁤take concrete actions to cut off⁣ Iran’s⁣ funding sources. ​They argue that⁢ by ⁢holding Iran accountable, the ‌international community can help create a more stable and peaceful region.


The bipartisan ​efforts in both the House and the Senate⁢ demonstrate the strong support for Israel and the recognition of Iran’s role in fueling ​the Israel-Hamas conflict. By urging the Biden administration​ to⁤ take a more assertive stance on Iran, lawmakers are⁢ emphasizing the need for decisive action to cut off Iran’s funding to Hamas ⁣and other terrorist organizations.

As the​ conflict continues,⁢ it is crucial for⁣ the United States​ to work closely‍ with its allies to⁤ address the root ‍causes ⁣of the conflict and⁣ ensure the security and stability ​of the region. By holding‍ Iran accountable and implementing strong measures,⁣ the international community can help pave the way for a lasting peace in the​ Middle East.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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