Washington Examiner

Donald Trump indicted: Dems spot ‘repeated criminal pattern’.

The Top Democrats Condemn Trump’s Indictment

The top two Democrats in Congress released a joint statement condemning former President Donald Trump following his recent indictment by⁤ a Fulton County Grand Jury in Georgia. This indictment is in connection to his efforts to overturn the ⁢2020 election results in the state.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) stated in their joint statement that this indictment “portrays a repeated pattern of criminal activity by⁤ the former president.”

Trump Faces Multiple Criminal‌ Charges

Trump is facing a total of 13⁣ criminal counts, including violating the state’s Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt‍ Organizations Act.

“This latest indictment details how Mr. Trump led a months-long plot pushing the Big Lie to steal an election, undermine our democracy, and overturn the will of the people of Georgia,” the statement reads. “The actions taken by the Fulton County ⁣District Attorney, along with ⁢other state and federal prosecutors, reaffirms ‍the shared belief that in America no one, not even the president, is above the law.”

The two Democratic leaders urged Trump’s allies and ⁣supporters to let the legal process play out “without outside interference.”

Click ⁣here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

Democrats Accuse Republicans of ‍Distraction Tactics

In response to House ​Republicans’ investigations into‌ the Biden family, the Congressional Integrity Project, a Democratic group, issued a statement calling these investigations an attempt ​to distract America from Trump’s legal ​woes.

“Kevin McCarthy, James Comer, Jim Jordan, and MAGA House Republicans will cover ⁣up, lie, and undermine the ⁢rule of law to protect Donald Trump, as ‌sure as the sun rises in the morning,” said Kyle Herrig, the executive⁢ director​ of the Congressional Integrity Project. “MAGA Republicans are​ disregarding ⁣every priority the American people⁣ care about – the rule of law, the peaceful transfer of power, affordable health care, the cost of living, and job creation – to do Donald Trump’s bidding.”

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