the federalist

DOD Misleads Parents, Expands DEI in K-12 Schools

The Department of ‌Defense Education Activity: A Culture‌ of Secrecy and Deception

The Department ‍of Defense​ Education Activity (DODEA), responsible for ⁢educating the children‍ of military personnel, is facing scrutiny for its‌ culture⁢ of secrecy and deception. A recent report by Open the Books reveals that despite claiming to disband ⁢its diversity, equity, and ⁤inclusion (DEI) department, DODEA has actually intensified its efforts to ‍embed DEI initiatives throughout the organization.

When auditors from Open the‌ Books sought information through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, DODEA denied or heavily⁤ redacted the requests. They discovered that DODEA Director Tom Brady was part of a newly-formed DEI⁣ Steering Committee,​ but the agency refused to disclose the names of the committee members.

Another FOIA request for calendar invitations related to the Steering Committee ⁣revealed heavily redacted documents, rendering them unusable. However, the dates confirmed that ⁣the meetings are ongoing.

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Members of Congress overseeing DODEA ​have also⁢ faced obstacles in obtaining information. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s inquiry into alleged wasteful travel spending went unanswered for months. Former Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s questions about secret gender transitions at overseas schools were also ignored.

What Can Congress Do to Overhaul a ⁤Broken Institution?

Despite the deep-rooted problems at DODEA, Congress‌ has ⁤options to bring about change. One possibility is including provisions in the FY25 NDAA ‍to provide education freedom to military families.

Legislative proposals‌ to ‌allocate funding for vouchers from Military Impact Aid have faced opposition, but voucher programs like the Education Savings Account for‍ Military Families⁢ Act could offer a solution for ​families stationed in the United States.

For military‍ children ‍attending schools overseas, Congress could create education allowances similar to those received by State Department personnel. ⁣Modifying the Non-DOD Schools Program, which provides school vouchers to students outside of DODEA’s service area, is another potential solution.

Education freedom ⁢would allow families to choose between DODEA ⁤schools, public schools, or other ⁢options, providing an alternative for those dissatisfied with the current lack of transparency and hidden agendas.

Why is it troubling that⁢ taxpayer dollars are ​being used to fund controversial DEI training programs without considering employees’ personal beliefs or opinions?

Ncy failed to provide any ‍information about⁤ the committee’s purpose or activities.⁣ This lack of ‍transparency raises concerns about the true intentions⁤ and agendas of the organization.

Furthermore, the‌ report by‍ Open the Books found that DODEA has​ been‌ using taxpayer ⁢dollars to ‌fund controversial DEI training programs. These⁢ programs, which promote a specific ideology and agenda, are being forced upon DODEA employees without any regard for their personal beliefs or opinions. This not only violates the principles of individual freedom and diversity, but also wastes taxpayer money on initiatives that may not align with the values and ‌expectations of the American people.

The culture of secrecy‍ and deception within ‌DODEA is ⁢particularly troubling because ⁣it ​directly impacts the‍ education of military children. These children already ​face numerous challenges due ​to ⁢their ⁣parents’ military ​service,⁣ and​ it is ⁣crucial that they receive a quality ‍education that prepares them⁤ for the future.​ However, if DODEA is more focused on pushing a particular‌ political agenda than on providing a well-rounded education, these students may not be receiving the support and guidance they need.

Additionally, the lack of transparency and the denial of information by DODEA is‍ a disservice ‍to the ‌American‌ people. As taxpayers, we have a right to know how our money ‍is being used and whether it is being used in an appropriate and responsible manner. By ​hiding behind a ⁣veil of secrecy, DODEA⁤ is betraying the trust of the American people and undermining ⁢the principles of accountability⁤ and transparency.

It ‌is imperative that DODEA address the culture of secrecy and‌ deception ⁤within⁣ its organization. This starts with providing‌ full‍ transparency and honest communication with the public and with ​its ‍employees. ‌It also ‌requires a reevaluation of the DEI initiatives and training programs being implemented, ensuring that they⁤ do ⁣not promote a⁤ specific political‌ ideology, but rather foster an environment of inclusivity, ⁢respect, and understanding.

The education of military children is an important responsibility, and it should not be overshadowed by political agendas or hidden agendas. DODEA must prioritize the well-being⁤ and education ⁣of these children, and that means⁤ embracing transparency, honesty, and accountability in‍ its⁢ operations. Only then can we​ ensure that the‌ children of‌ our military personnel receive the education they deserve and ‍are prepared‌ for the challenges they will face⁤ in the future.

It is time for DODEA to set aside its ⁢culture of secrecy and deception, and to truly focus on its mission of providing quality education to the children of our military personnel. ‌The American people and the military community deserve nothing less.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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