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DeSantis: Israel Attacks Hit Home.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: Iranian-Backed Attacks​ in Israel Are Personal

During a⁢ recent interview, Florida Governor Ron ⁤DeSantis passionately expressed‌ his personal connection to the recent Iranian-backed terrorist attacks in Israel. As a former member of the U.S. Military during‌ the war on terror, ‍DeSantis ​revealed‌ that the Iranians ⁤were responsible for the deaths of hundreds ​of U.S.‌ soldiers.

Speaking on ‍MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” DeSantis emphasized the gravity ⁢of the situation following the devastating terror attack that claimed the lives of over 1,000 people in Israel⁤ and left ⁣more than 2,500 wounded.

“In terms of Iran, look, this ⁤is personal ⁤for me,” DeSantis stated. ⁤”I served in Iraq back in 2007, 2008. We were in places like Fallujah and Ramadi. Mostly Sunni Arab al ​Qaeda ​fighters at the time, but most of the casualties U.S. troops were suffering were at the hands of ⁣Iranian-backed Shia militias. They killed hundreds of our troops in Iraq, probably over 1,000.”

DeSantis continued, “Of course, they ⁤were responsible, through Hezbollah, for killing our Marines ⁢back in​ 1983 in the Beirut⁣ barracks bombing. So Iran‌ has a lot of ⁣American ⁣blood on its hands.‍ Look, I think that Israel should be⁤ focused on uprooting ⁣Hamas. To make this ⁤a⁣ larger role,‌ I think, does have some risks, but I would say the United States should​ turn every screw so that Iran is not getting money flowing into its coffers, particularly with their ⁣oil.”

The Republican presidential candidate⁤ criticized the Biden administration⁣ for unfreezing $6 billion of Iranian assets obtained ⁤from illicit oil sales, calling it a mistake.⁤ He also highlighted the ⁢importance of reversing the loosening of sanctions on Iran and expanding domestic ⁣energy production to​ enhance U.S. security during⁤ periods ​of Middle East instability.



How did Governor DeSantis describe ‌the recent attacks in Israel?

⁤ 00 ​Israelis. He described‌ the attacks as not just an attack on⁢ Israel, but ‌an attack on humanity​ and the values that we hold dear.

Governor DeSantis ‌highlighted the long and complex history of Iranian-backed terrorism, stating that this was not an isolated⁤ incident. He‍ explained how Iran has been ​a consistent sponsor of terrorism‌ and has supported groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, which have⁤ carried out countless attacks against⁣ innocent civilians.

For DeSantis, the recent attacks in Israel hit close ⁢to home. As​ a former military​ serviceman who had fought‌ in​ the war‌ against terror, he knew firsthand the dangers of ⁢Iranian-backed violence. ⁣He spoke of⁣ the comrades he had lost, friends who had made the ultimate ‌sacrifice in the fight against terrorism.

The Florida Governor called for ⁢immediate action by⁢ the⁢ international community to condemn these ​attacks and hold Iran accountable for its⁣ actions. He emphasized the‍ need for countries to stand together in‌ solidarity with Israel and to put pressure on Iran to stop ⁣its support ‌of terrorism.

DeSantis⁢ acknowledged that⁢ Israel has the right to defend itself against these attacks and expressed ‍his unwavering ‌support for the Israeli people. ⁣He stressed that the United‌ States and its allies must stand with⁤ Israel and ensure its security​ in the face of⁣ this ongoing threat.

Furthermore, Governor DeSantis⁢ criticized⁣ the Biden administration‌ for its response to the attacks. He⁢ argued that⁤ the​ administration’s lack of immediate ​and ⁢strong⁣ condemnation sent the wrong message to Iran and other sponsors of terrorism. DeSantis ‌urged⁢ President Biden to take a firm stance against these ​acts of violence ⁤and ​make it clear that the United States will⁢ not tolerate such actions.

In conclusion, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida‌ expressed his personal connection to the recent Iranian-backed attacks in Israel. ⁣As a former member of the U.S.​ Military, he understands the gravity of ​these acts of ⁣terrorism and the need ​for immediate action. DeSantis called on the ⁤international community to stand together ⁤against Iranian-backed terrorism and support Israel in its fight for‍ security and peace.

Read More From Original Article Here: DeSantis: Attacks On Israel Hit Close To Home

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