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Democrats raise concerns over a “unique threat” in certain US states: the inclusion of a “No Labels” option on election ballots.

No Labels Secures Ballot Access in Seven States

No Labels, an organization that could field⁤ an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential race, has secured ballot access in seven⁤ states, with ⁣North Carolina ​being‍ the latest to join the list.

No Labels intends to establish the groundwork to run ‌an alternative candidate for the 2024 presidential race if the election turns into ⁣a ⁣rematch between former President Donald Trump and ⁤President Joe Biden. ‍The organization’s leadership‌ is composed of both Republicans and ⁣Democrats.

On Sunday, No Labels received approval from the North Carolina Board of‌ Elections to appear in the​ 2024 ballot, allowing voters in the state to affiliate with the organization should it ‍choose to ‍run a candidate.​ The new party collected ⁢nearly 14,000 signatures from citizens of the state before securing ballot access.

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In Alaska, No Labels is a limited political party. It was recognized as a minor political party in Colorado in January. A couple ⁢of months later, it gained ballot access in Arizona and Oregon in March.

In ⁤July,⁤ an ⁢official from⁤ No ⁤Labels revealed that it had gained ⁤ballot access​ in Utah. And earlier​ this month, the organization qualified for⁢ Nevada’s general election ballot ‌as a minor party.

No‍ Labels intends to secure ballot access in all 50 American states.

The party has not yet nominated a candidate ‌for the 2024 presidential election but​ could⁣ nominate one next year in Dallas.

In an interview with NBC News, Benjamin Chavis, former executive director of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)​ and a ‍national co-chair ​of No Labels, said the group will⁣ end its effort for an⁣ alternative candidate if, by next ​spring, polling shows that President ⁣Joe Biden​ is‍ “way, way out ahead” of President Trump.

The advocacy group NAACP has a history of being criticized for an alleged anti-Republican ⁢stance.

No Labels recently told Politico that it will exit the presidential race if the GOP nominates any candidate other than President Trump.

Since⁣ 1968, no third-party‌ presidential candidate has won electoral ⁤votes.

Senator Manchin ⁤a No Labels​ Candidate?

Though ⁢No​ Labels has ⁤not declared a candidate, there are rumors of Sen. ​Joe Manchin‌ (D-W.Va.) being a potential pick. On July ⁤17, he was ​the ⁢keynote‍ speaker for No Labels’ Common Sense Town Hall​ event.

When asked‍ during the event whether his ⁤potential candidacy would act as a spoiler for the ⁤2024 ‍presidential race, Mr. Manchin replied, “I’ve never ⁢been in any race I’ve ever spoiled. I’ve been in races to ​win and if⁣ I get in a race, I’m gonna win. With that being said, I‍ haven’t made a‍ decision.”

“We’re here ‍to‍ make sure the American people have ⁤an option, and the ​option is can you move the political ⁢parties off their respective sides,” he said.

“They’ve⁤ gone too far right and too⁢ far left … That’s not who ‍we are,⁤ that’s not where we come from, and it’s not the people we are.”

Mr. Manchin went on to ⁢claim that the “business model” of Democratic ‍and Republican parties is ‌that it ‍is “better ‍if you’re divided than⁤ united.” ⁣He insisted that “we’re⁢ going to change ‍that.”

There is speculation that Mr. Manchin won’t be seeking another term in Congress‍ as ⁣he will launch ⁢his presidential⁤ bid. ‍He ‌is⁤ yet to announce a reelection ​bid for his West Virginia Senate seat.

During‍ the Common Sense Town Hall event,⁤ No Labels national co-chair Pat McCrory, a former ‌Republican North Carolina ⁤governor, said that their ⁢efforts were ​being challenged by Republicans and Democrats.

“We’ve ‍got volunteers signing up people everywhere. Sadly, we have some⁤ operatives out of⁣ Washington, D.C.,⁢ who want to just keep the status quo as it‍ is and stop our efforts,” he said.

“We will present‌ a president and vice​ president candidate on a ⁣No Labels ticket, but only if we see an opportunity to win.”

Democrats Disrupting⁢ No Labels ⁤Efforts

While No Labels calls ‌itself a unity‍ ticket, many Democrats claim⁤ that the organization is a spoiler that would siphon⁤ off votes from President Biden​ and aid President Trump to ‍win the‍ 2024 election.

A ‍candidate from No Labels can likely swing the presidential race in critical areas, potentially in favor⁣ of President Trump.

The No‍ Labels candidate could⁣ also end up creating a ​situation where no ⁤presidential candidate​ is able to secure 270 electoral votes. This would allow ⁣state​ delegations of the House to choose the winner of the presidential election, likely favoring ​the⁤ GOP nominee.

Several groups⁢ aligned ⁢with the ‍Democratic Party are pressuring⁣ elected officials to denounce any​ presidential⁣ campaign from No Labels.‌ The Democratically-aligned ‍MoveOn and ‍Third Way have created a pledge to ⁢push this agenda.

“We, the ‍undersigned elected officials, recognizing the urgent‍ and unique threat ‌to ​democracy in the form of right-wing extremism‌ on‌ the ​ballot in 2024, call on No Labels ⁣to halt their⁤ irresponsible efforts to launch a third-party candidacy,” the⁣ pledge states.

“Their candidate cannot win, but they can and would serve as a spoiler that could return someone‌ like Donald Trump to​ office. ⁣I, therefore,‌ commit to opposing a No Labels third-party ticket in 2024 for the​ good of the country.”

The Arizona Democratic Party had earlier filed a lawsuit seeking to ⁢stop No Labels from appearing⁤ on ⁣ballots‍ in the state after Secretary of⁣ State ‌Adrian Fontes granted official ​recognition to the organization in March.

Arizona Democrats argued that​ there were technical issues with No Labels’ signature gathering⁣ process.⁤ However, a​ Maricopa ‌County Superior Court judge ‌ruled this month that No Labels ‍can stay on the 2024 ballot in⁤ Arizona.

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