the federalist

Democrats rush to address the repercussions of their spending as the election looms

Elizabeth ​Warren’s Economic⁤ Revelation

Spare ‍some ⁢crocodile tears for Sen. Elizabeth Warren. She finally ⁤discovered one of the basic principles of‌ economics — in an election year and ⁣at a time when said principles ​are proving politically inconvenient to her and her Democratic ​colleagues.

Recently, the Massachusetts ⁣Democrat and three ‍of her ‌Senate‍ Democrat colleagues ⁤wrote to Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell asking ​him to ‍begin lowering ⁤interest⁢ rates.⁤ The missive, which invoked the ​hardships families are‍ facing around the country under the current interest rate environment, would sound far more reasonable ‌if Warren and her allies ​hadn’t ⁢created many of the conditions ‍making the interest rate hikes necessary in the first place.

Consequences of Interest Rate Policies

The letter ⁣ from Warren and⁢ her colleagues focuses on the housing market ‍and specifically the ⁤lack of ‍affordability. It complains ⁤that “mortgage rates have risen to 20-year highs in the past year — a direct​ result ⁢of the Federal Reserve’s campaign of aggressive hikes to the ⁢federal funds rate.” It notes that​ “interest rates are still ⁢too high for many American families,” and⁢ urges the Fed “to ⁣consider the⁣ effects of your ⁤interest rate ⁢decisions on the housing market‍ and to⁢ reverse the⁤ troubling⁢ rate hikes that have put affordable housing ​out of ‍reach for‍ many.”

Indeed, families are struggling to afford⁢ their first home, putting the American Dream out of reach ⁣for many. But‍ Warren’s simplistic formulation⁢ ignores many politically ‍inconvenient truths, most of them ‌centered around the ⁢ways ⁢in which government meddling ⁢over the past several ​decades — by lawmakers themselves, ​as well as the Fed — has created the current problem.

Interest Rates Were Too Low for Too Long

Warren and her “easy money” colleagues omitted⁣ any discussion of low interest‌ rates from their letter. But the fact remains that, over the past two decades, a⁣ series of ⁤decisions by ‍the Fed, from ⁤keeping interest rates low in the 2000s to rounds of quantitative easing (i.e., printing ⁤money)‍ during the financial crash⁤ and the pandemic,⁢ got most of the American ⁤economy addicted to cheap ​money.

That trend swallowed up big ⁢businesses, Wall Street and the financial sector, and ordinary Americans looking to buy homes. On‌ an actuarial and economic basis, the concept ⁣of a 30-year mortgage at a‌ 3 percent interest rate seems totally⁣ unrealistic, and it was until the Fed⁣ started,​ and ⁤kept, intervening in financial‍ markets with its proverbial printing presses.

But because persistent and cheap⁢ money juiced housing prices into ​the stratosphere, it will take a period​ of time, likely several years, ‍for both buyers and sellers to figure ⁤out the “real” value of properties in a more normal interest rate environment. Trying ⁤to‍ short-circuit⁢ that process by stimulating more demand will only yield another round of‌ “boom-and-bust” that ‍already ​brought⁢ us a‍ historic financial ⁢crash and some of⁢ the highest ​inflation in four decades.

Low Interest Rates Punish Savers and Retirees

Warren and ​her colleagues ignore the‍ flip⁢ side of the persistently low​ interest rate environment of ‍the⁤ past two decades: ​Retirees and ⁣people who⁣ save money got the proverbial shaft. For most of ⁣this century, savers have faced the heretofore rare phenomenon⁤ of negative real interest rates — that is,⁤ individuals who left their money in the bank would‍ see​ the ‌value of that money eroded every year by‌ inflation.

And while younger⁢ individuals can afford to‍ move more of their assets⁤ from “savings” accounts paying⁤ 0.5 percent into stocks or⁢ bonds,⁤ older Americans could lose their retirement ​assets should they do ‍so. Yet that’s ‍the prospect retirees​ have‌ faced: They could either ⁤roll‌ the dice in the stock market‍ and⁢ see a crash wipe away much of their life savings⁢ (as it‍ did⁢ to⁢ some in 2008-2009), or keep their money in the ⁣bank to ⁢earn bupkis in interest, and see its‌ value‌ diminish with each passing ⁤year.

The Spending Binge ​Encouraged ⁤Higher Rates

It should⁤ go without saying, but the Federal⁣ Reserve​ needed⁣ to​ raise⁣ interest rates so high, ⁤and so quickly,​ due in no small part⁢ to ⁤the‌ inflation sparked by trillions of ⁢dollars of “stimulus” spending⁤ during the pandemic. While Warren and her colleagues attacked the Fed’s interest​ rate hikes, they said⁢ not ⁢a word about‌ the‍ reasons for said hikes because⁣ to do so would⁤ have forced them to look in the mirror.

This space has previously criticized Powell for keeping interest‍ rates so ​low ‌for so long during the pandemic, even as inflation⁤ persisted in late ​2021 and⁣ into 2022. But‌ at least Powell has had the decency to apologize for the Fed’s inaction, most recently during‌ his interview ‌with‌ “60 Minutes”: “In hindsight, it would’ve been better to have tightened [monetary] policy earlier. I’m happy to say that.” I won’t hold my breath waiting for Warren to ‌apologize ​for the effects of Washington’s big-spending binge in sparking the highest inflation in two generations.

Don’t Create Another Bubble

Given how wrong Warren and her ⁣ilk have ⁢been on the problems associated with easy money —⁢ both low ⁤interest rates and high spending — the Fed should pay the senators’ latest missive little heed.⁤ Rebalancing the housing market will take time, and yes, it may cause some pain ‍for some families. But a change in the way houses ⁣get sold may provide some price relief to buyers in the ⁣immediate future.

Ultimately, Warren’s strategy of⁢ stimulating “affordable” housing ⁣through more government interventions⁢ and cheap money will just artificially ​inflate asset prices ‍again. ​And as the ​past few years⁤ have demonstrated, Americans don’t need government creating ⁣more inflation headaches for them, whether that comes to pumping up home prices or ​raising the cost of staples at the grocery ⁤store.

What are the adverse effects ⁢of the Biden administration’s economic ⁤policies on millions of​ families?” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>previously ​discussed the⁢ adverse effects of⁢ the Biden administration’s⁣ economic policies, which have led ⁤to skyrocketing inflation and an affordability crisis. And now, Sen. ⁤Elizabeth⁣ Warren, known for ⁢her progressive stance on‌ economic‍ issues, seems to be realizing the consequences⁤ of ⁢these policies, albeit ⁣belatedly.

In a letter addressed to Federal Reserve Chairman Jay ⁢Powell, ​Warren and three other Senate Democrats called for a lowering of interest⁤ rates. They argued that mortgage rates have​ reached 20-year highs, making housing unaffordable for many American families. While their concern for struggling families ‍is valid, it is essential to‌ examine⁣ the underlying causes of the current‌ interest rate environment.

The letter conveniently ignores the fact that the government’s intervention in the economy, spearheaded by lawmakers and the ⁣Federal Reserve, ⁤has contributed​ to the problem. Over the past two decades, the‍ Fed’s decision to maintain low interest rates‌ and engage in quantitative⁢ easing has⁤ created ‌an economy​ reliant on cheap money. This artificially inflated housing prices and made the concept of a 30-year mortgage with a 3 percent interest rate seem unrealistic.

Attempting to stimulate ⁣more demand and ‍artificially prop up housing prices in the face of‍ rising interest ‍rates would ⁣only ⁣exacerbate​ the problem. It would lead​ to another boom-and-bust cycle that could ‍have severe‍ consequences, ⁤as‌ witnessed during the⁢ historic financial crash ⁢and the subsequent high ⁢levels of inflation.

While Warren and her colleagues attribute the ⁤current interest rate hikes solely to the Federal‌ Reserve, they conveniently ignore the role of government spending. The trillions of dollars spent as ⁤part of the pandemic stimulus packages have fueled inflation, forcing the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. Addressing interest rate hikes without acknowledging the ⁤inflationary pressures caused by ​reckless spending is⁤ disingenuous.

Furthermore, the persistently low interest rate ⁢environment ⁣has negatively⁣ impacted savers and retirees. With negative real interest rates, individuals who keep‌ their ⁢money in savings accounts⁤ see ‍the⁤ value of their savings ​erode each year due to inflation. Younger individuals may have the option to invest in stocks or bonds, but older Americans are left with the choice of ⁢risking their retirement savings in the volatile stock market or earning minimal‌ interest in the bank.

The current situation calls for ⁤a holistic and comprehensive⁤ approach. It is not enough to blame​ the Federal Reserve for interest rate hikes without acknowledging the root ​causes of⁢ the problem. Addressing the⁢ affordability crisis and the adverse effects on⁢ savers and retirees‍ requires a reevaluation of the government’s role in the economy and a focus on ⁣responsible fiscal policies.

In an election year, ⁤it ⁤is easy for politicians to shift blame or push for quick-fix ⁣solutions without considering⁣ the long-term consequences. Sen. Elizabeth⁢ Warren’s ‍call for⁤ lower interest ⁣rates⁢ may resonate with​ some voters, but it disregards the complex economic realities created by government intervention. As we ​move forward,⁣ it is essential to prioritize sound economic policies that promote sustainable growth, affordability,⁤ and stability for all Americans.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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