Democrats Are Astroturfing Climate Alarmism Among Latinos As Families Suffer From Record Inflation

The Latino Victory Project, a left-wing super PAC co-founded by Eva Longoria, is dumping $5 million into a campaign to promote climate hysteria among Latinos. The project is called the “Vote Like a Madre” campaign, which is an odd campaign name from a party that is fighting to erase “madres,” preferring the genderless title “birthing people.”

The “Vote like a Madre” campaign encourages Latina moms to make a “pinky promise” to their children that they’ll only vote for candidates with “bold plans to fight climate change.” The campaign conveniently omits the fact that progressive climate change policies are responsible for the record-high gas and food prices and other economic woes that Hispanics rank as their No. 1 voting issue. 

A long A-list of celebrity Latinas, like Jennifer Lopez, America Ferrera, Dr. Luz Towns-Miranda, Jessica Alba, and Rosario Dawson are participating in the hashtag. However, this astroturfing climate campaign isn’t just relying on celebrity endorsements.

The “Vote Like a Madre” campaign is also paying smaller Latina social media influencers, particularly those in swing states Nevada and Arizona, to promote the illusion that Latina mothers are worried about climate change. 

The Latino Victory Project has hired a New York City-based company called “People First” to recruit social media influencers to participate in the “Vote Like a Madre” campaign for pay or perks. “If you are interested in participating in this campaign, please answer the following,” writes People First Digital Relational Organizer Logan Smith in an email obtained by The Federalist, “[c]onfirm that you are a Latina,” “[s]tate whether you live in Arizona or Nevada (if you live in another state, please send a screenshot of your audience location analytics, as we can only work with creators with a large audience in Arizona or Nevada),” and “[s]tate whether you are a mother, an aunt, and/or a grandmother.” 

The People First representative goes on to add that even if you do not meet the requirement for participating in the trend, you will receive “$50 referral payments for every 5 referrals that end up participating in this campaign.” 

A glowing 2019 Vanity Fair feature described People First (then known as Main Street One) as a “rebellious tech start-up” helping “Democrats win back the internet in the age of Trump.” People First disseminates messaging from left-wing organizations in the same way clothing and beauty brands partner with influencers to promote their products on TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.  

The firm claims that “clients can commission content from virtually anyone, any voter segment, geography, profession, party affiliation, identity, age, race, sexuality, or gender.” It is an “influencer-marketing campaign” for “politics for the Kardashian era,” as Vanity Fair puts it. 

In a People First press release, the organization boasts that it “fuels advocacy campaigns on public health issues such as vaccine hesitancy” as well as “social justice and equal rights campaigns for organizations such as Black Lives Matter,” and is partnering with Unite the Country PAC “to execute the most extensive microinfluencer campaign in U.S. political history on behalf of the president’s economic and social agenda.” 

“Americans increasingly distrust institutions, including political campaigns, the media, government, and corporations,” said People First CEO Curtis Hougland. “Instead, they build trust through their relationships online. So, we built a platform that invites real people to share their lived experiences on behalf of causes and campaigns that they support. Real people are the most persuasive messengers to skeptical audiences.”

But would Latina influencers be writing “#votelikeamadre” and posting pinky promise videos and pictures about climate change if they weren’t being paid by the Latino Victory Project via People First? It’s doubtful since Hispanics consistently tell pollsters that the economy is their top issue, and out of all the top racial and ethnic groups, Hispanics have reported the sharpest decline in approval of Biden’s economy.

Thanks to Democrat leadership, inflation is at a 40-year high, and working-class families are struggling to pay for gas and groceries. The United States has officially entered into an economic recession, whether our president admits it or not. 

Laughably, the “Vote Like a Madre” campaign praises the Inflation Reduction Act, which did nothing to reduce inflation because it is actually a climate spending bill. Indeed, it could likely create more inflation by throwing dollars at wasteful “environmental justice” policies. 

People First specializes in conjuring up the illusion that damaging progressive policies are wildly supported by everyday Americans. And the “Vote Like a Madre” campaign is just that: a digital illusion. Latina mothers aren’t climate alarmists. They care about economic opportunity and the fact that the American Dream is slipping away under Joe Biden’s disastrous leadership.

Evita Duffy is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, & her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at [email protected]

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