The bongino report

Deficit Flies to$ 1. 1 Trillion in the First Half of FY 2023

For the first half of fiscal 2023, the shortfall soars to$ 1.1 trillion.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Monday that the federal budget deficit for the first half of fiscal 2023 was$ 1.1 trillion, or$ 430 billion higher than it had been the year before.

The federal government’s’s budget picture is getting worse as a result of the growing deficit, particularly as interest rates rise. For President Joe Biden, who had originally boasted about the annual gap falling as incident pandemic spending decreased, it also presents a problem.


As taking outpaces revenues, the democratic funding office has previously predicted that the gap will continue to rise in the years to come, bringing the national debt, which represents the accrued deficits, to record highs.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget’s’s leader, Maya MacGuineas, stated that” the longer we wait to take action, the more complicated our financial concerns may be.”

According to the CBO, the shortfall increased in the first half of the financial year as a result of declining sales and rising spending.

Because of Biden’s’s withdrawal of federal student debt and because interest payment on the national debt increased as interest rates increased across the economy, investing increased particularly easily.

In response to the skyrocketing prices, interest rates have been rising. In an effort to reduce saving and investing and thereby get down inflation, the Federal Reserve has sharply raised its attention rate target.

In the years to come, interest payments on the mortgage are anticipated to be much higher, putting a lot of strain on many areas of the imbalance. In March, the CBO predicted that over the following five years, net interest rates would increase from 1.9 % of the GDP in fiscal 2022 to more than 5 %.


In exchange for voting to heighten the national debt ceiling, which must be raised by later this year, congressional Republicans have stated that they will demand some spending reforms. Biden has urged the GOP to approve a budget resolution outlining their tax and spending policies and stated that he won’t discuss the debt limit.

Read More From Original Article Here: Deficit Soars to $1.1 Trillion in First Half of FY 2023

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