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Cuban Embassy in D.C. hit by Molotov cocktails in ‘terrorist attack,’ diplomat claims.

The Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C.⁣ Targeted in “Terrorist Attack”

The Cuban embassy in‍ Washington, D.C., was⁣ the victim of a shocking incident on Sunday ⁢evening. ⁢According‌ to Cuba’s ‍Minister of ⁤Foreign Affairs, two⁤ Molotov cocktails ​were⁢ thrown ⁤at ⁤the building, resulting in what ⁣has been described ⁤as ⁢a “terrorist attack”.

Cuban diplomat Bruno Rodríguez released a ​statement on X, revealing that the embassy had been targeted⁣ by an individual who‍ threw multiple makeshift incendiary devices. Fortunately, the Secret Service swiftly investigated ​the incident and confirmed that there was no significant damage.

Rodríguez took to Twitter to⁢ provide further details,‌ stating, “In‍ the ⁢evening of today, Sep⁣ 24, the Cuban embassy in the US was the target of ⁤a terrorist ‌attack by an⁤ individual ⁤who launched ​2 Molotov cocktails. The staff suffered no harm. Details⁣ are​ being ​worked out.”

Law enforcement promptly arrived at the scene but has yet to make ​any arrests. This distressing event marks ⁣the second violent attack⁤ against #Cuba‘s diplomatic mission ‌in Washington since April⁣ 2020. Rodríguez emphasized that these acts‍ of terrorism occur when ‍the perpetrators believe⁢ they‍ can ⁢act with impunity, a concern that Cuba has⁣ repeatedly raised with US authorities.

Referring to a previous incident on ‌April 30, 2020, when the Cuban embassy was​ fired upon with ⁣about 30 rounds of ammunition, Rodríguez condemned the attack as an act of terrorism. Although no injuries were reported, ‍the building⁢ sustained damage.

Alexander ⁣Alazo, a Cuban-born ‌man, was ⁣later indicted for the shooting and charged with a violent⁣ attack on a foreign official or official premises using a deadly weapon. The Department of Justice confirmed that Alazo was apprehended without ‍incident by the Metropolitan Police‍ Department (MPD), and the weapon used in the​ shooting, along ‍with an accelerant-soaked Cuban flag, was‌ recovered.

Background: Reopening of the Cuban Embassy

The Cuban embassy in D.C. was reopened in 2015 following former President Barack Obama’s decision to normalize​ diplomatic relations with the communist country after a suspension that ‍lasted over 50 years.

How have⁤ previous attacks on the Cuban embassy‍ in Washington, D.C. affected the ⁢diplomatic relations between the United States and ‌Cuba?

Dual who hurled two Molotov cocktails at the building. This act of aggression was condemned by the Cuban government as a deliberate attack on diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The incident occurred on⁢ Sunday evening when the diplomatic mission was‍ occupied. ⁤The Molotov cocktails caused a fire ​on the exterior of the building, but‍ fortunately, no significant damage or injuries were ⁤reported. It is unclear at this time whether the attacker was acting alone or had any ‍affiliations with any ⁢particular group ‍or organization.

The Cuban embassy, like all diplomatic missions, serves as a crucial bridge between nations ⁤and plays a vital role in fostering bilateral relations,‌ promoting cultural‍ exchanges, and facilitating cooperation on various issues. Any attack on ⁤an embassy, ​therefore, constitutes not only ⁢a violation of⁤ the principles of international law but also an assault on the fundamental values of peace, diplomacy, and respect‍ between ⁤nations.

The Cuban government has called upon ⁤the U.S. authorities to promptly and thoroughly investigate ⁣this incident, bring the perpetrators to justice, and ensure the safety and security of​ its diplomats and ⁣diplomatic missions. It emphasized the‍ importance of holding accountable those responsible for this “terrorist attack” and preventing such incidents in the future.

This incident is not the first time that the Cuban embassy in Washington, ⁤D.C. has been targeted. In 2019, a similar⁣ attack took place, resulting in damage to the building. As a diplomatic institution, the Cuban embassy has faced its fair share of challenges and ⁢hostilities⁤ over the years, reflecting the strained relations between the United States and Cuba.

Although there have been recent ⁢efforts to improve relations and normalize ⁤diplomatic ties between the two ‌countries, incidents like these serve as reminders that more needs to be done to ensure the safety‌ and security of diplomatic missions. It is crucial for governments around the world‌ to cooperate in condemning acts of violence against embassies and ⁤take all ‍necessary measures to protect diplomatic staff and buildings.

The international community must unite in upholding the principles of diplomacy, respect for sovereignty, and ‌the importance of maintaining peaceful relations between nations. Attacks on embassies undermine these principles and risk escalating tensions between countries. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all‌ nations to condemn such ‌acts and ‍work together towards ensuring the safety and security of diplomatic missions⁤ worldwide.

As investigations into the terrorist attack on the Cuban⁢ embassy in Washington, D.C. continue, it is crucial for the international community to stand in solidarity with ⁣Cuba and‍ reaffirm‍ the principles of diplomacy,⁢ peace, and respect for the sanctity of ⁤diplomatic missions. Only through collective action⁤ can we ⁤promote ⁣a world where diplomatic relations can flourish, and conflicts can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation rather than violence.

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