Critics Blow Up ATF Over Report Your Ex Valentine — Barack Obama, Hunter Biden Hardest Hit


“Got an ex who buys or sells guns illegally?”

The official Twitter account of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) suggested that Americans spend Valentine’s Day ratting out their former — or current — partners who may have violated firearms laws.

“Valentine’s Day can still be fun even if you broke up. Do you have information about a former (or current) partner involved in illegal gun activity? Let us know, and we will make sure it’s a Valentine’s Day to remember! Call 1-888-ATF-TIPS or email [email protected],” the tweet read.

The responses began pouring in almost immediately — but instead of reporting their ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends, a number reported their ex-President Barack Obama and their ex-Attorney General Eric Holder for their involvement in the disastrous gun-tracking effort known as Operation Fast and Furious.

“I do. Ex president, actually. His name was Barack Obama. Ran a bunch of illegal guns to the Mexican cartels,” radio host Jesse Kelly tweeted. “That what you’re looking for? Or you just worried about hunting down some poor guy with a sawed off?”

“Yeah……… I like to report Barack Obama for the fast and furious operation!!!” Luke Rudkowski agreed, adding for good measure, “Also #AbolishTheATF.”

Tennessee Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck added President Joe Biden to the mix, tweeting, “Hi @ATFHQ — I’d like to report Barack Obama and Joe Biden who oversaw guns being run to Mexican Cartels who then used the guns to kill people. I’m sure you’ll knock their door down, right?”

Several reported President Biden’s son Hunter over his own alleged violations of federal firearms laws.

“Dear The ATF, I would like to report my ex, Hunter Biden who was involved in an illegal gun activity. Happy Valentine’s Day Hunter. Signed, The Second Amendment,” attorney Matthew Kolken tweeted.

“You mean like Hunter Biden?” Jack Posobiec asked.

“How about we discuss you guys doing nothing about Hunter Biden lying on his 4473 about habitual drug use and criminal behavior?” John Cardillo added.

“Hunter Biden lied on a Form 4473 to purchase a gun he wasn’t legally allowed to possess. Is that still a crime, or is it okay if you’re the corrupt, crackhead son of the president?” The Federalist’s Sean Davis asked.

Still others simply reported the ATF itself.

“What if it’s your own government for a gun-running op called Fast and Furious? Weren’t you guys involved in that?” nationally-syndicated radio host Dana Loesch asked.

“I know this person that massacred 70 people in Waco and ran illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels that were used to kill a US border patrol agent,” Greg Price added. “Her name is the ATF.”

And the mocking continued:

“The feds are out here trying to weaponize vindictive exes (pardon my pun),” Noam Blum tweeted.

“Can we fire everyone in the federal government and start over?” David Marcus asked.

“This is basically an invitation to SWAT an ex you don’t like. So incredibly dangerous,” Young Americans for Liberty pointed out. “Abolish the ATF.”

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