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NY Court Orders New Congressional Map Redrawn, Dems Poised to Gain Seats

A New York Appeals Court Sides with Democrats in Redistricting Case

In a groundbreaking decision, a New York appeals court has ruled in favor of Democrats in a redistricting case that could have significant implications for the 2024 elections. The court’s decision could potentially result in the Democrats gaining multiple Republican-held seats.

The Appellate Division of the state Supreme Court, in a split decision, has scrapped New York’s 2022 map for the U.S. House of Representatives, which allowed Republicans to gain four House seats. This ruling restarts the redistricting process, which is expected to ultimately be decided by the Democrat-dominated legislature.

The court has determined that the competitive map used in the 2022 midterm elections was only a temporary fix and has ordered the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) to redraw the map for 2024. However, it is likely that the IRC will not be able to reach an agreement, thereby giving the Democrat-dominated legislature the power to decide, as was the case in 2022.

Justice Peter Lynch, in the court’s decision, emphasized that the IRC failed to fulfill its duty to submit a second set of maps after the rejection of its initial proposal.

Following the court’s ruling, the legislature enacted a map heavily favoring the Democrats. However, the New York Court of Appeals struck down this map, deeming it a partisan gerrymander, which is illegal under the state’s constitution.

Democrats’ Advantage and Republican Opposition

Under the Democrats’ 2022 map, the party had a clear advantage in 22 of the state’s 26 seats. In contrast, they only won 15 seats under the neutral court-drawn map.

The court’s decision has drawn immediate condemnation from Republicans, who view it as a partisan power grab disguised as a legal case. They argue that the Democrats want to rig the congressional district lines in their favor.

Former Rep. John Faso (R-NY) expressed concern over the potential impact of a new Democrat-drawn map, stating that it could endanger Republican representatives across the state.

Redistricting Battles Across the Country

The redistricting battles are not limited to New York. The U.S. Supreme Court recently struck down a map in Alabama, forcing the state to draw a second majority-black district. Similarly, Republicans in North Carolina seek to draw a more favorable map after a shift to the right in the state’s supreme court.

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