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Arizona court declares signature matching process illegal, a major victory for election integrity.

A judge has delivered a “massive win” for election integrity in Arizona⁣ by ⁤ruling that the state’s signature matching process ⁢for mail-in ballots is unlawful.

Yavapai County Superior​ Court Judge John Napper issued a⁢ ruling last week‍ (pdf) in a⁢ lawsuit against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes​ brought by ​public interest group Restoring Integrity and ‍Trust​ in Elections (RITE), which alleged that Mr.⁣ Fontes broke the‌ law regarding‌ mail-in ballot signature verification ​procedures.

According to the lawsuit, the group argued that ⁤Mr. Fontes’ interpretation of “registration record” in the Secretary of State’s‌ Elections Procedures⁣ Manual was​ unreasonably ⁤broad and⁣ increased the risk of false positives⁣ in signature⁤ verification.

“While ‍state law ‌requires county recorders ⁢to match mail-ballot signatures with signatures in the ⁤voter’s ‘registration record,’ the Secretary⁢ instructed them to⁢ use a broader‍ and less reliable universe ⁣of comparison signatures,” said Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE) in a statement.

Kari ⁣Lake, a former ⁢gubernatorial‍ candidate who sued⁢ Mr. Fontes and Maricopa County officials over the signature verification process, celebrated the decision.

“A court just found‍ that Arizona’s⁣ signature matching‌ process is UNLAWFUL,” said Kari Lake.

“This is what happens when you don’t back down from ⁢a fight,” said the Kari ‍Lake⁢ War Room account in a post on‌ X.

Mr. Fontes’ office did ​not ​immediately ​respond ‌to a request for comment on the ruling.

Dispute Over ‘Registration ⁤Record’

Court documents show‍ that ‌Mr. Fontes argued that​ the legal definition of “registration record” is ambiguous and so he is‍ entitled to provide guidance⁢ on its interpretation.

“Does the ⁤legislature’s use of the ‌expansive term registration ‘record’ ​really mean the more restrictive (but unused) term registration ‘form’ for purposes of verifying a signature on an early voted ballot,” reads ⁤a motion to dismiss (pdf) the RITE ⁣lawsuit filed by Mr. Fontes’ attorneys.

“The answer is ⁢’no,'” the attorneys‌ argued, listing reasons that include the Secretary ⁤of State’s statutory authority to conduct elections ‍fairly and impartially.

But the judge disagreed ⁢with the reasoning.

“This argument fails because there is no ambiguity‌ in the statute,”‌ Mr. Napper wrote in his opinion.

He ‍added that the Arizona⁢ “statute is clear and unambiguous” in⁢ that⁤ it requires the recorder to “review the voter’s registration card” and not other documents bearing the voter’s signature.

Mr. Napper also noted that Mr. Fontes’‍ signature-matching process in ⁢the Election Procedures Manual “contradicts⁣ the plain language” of Arizona⁣ elections laws by allowing signature matching with documents that have “nothing to do with the act of registering.”

Accordingly, the judge denied Mr. Fontes’ motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

In a statement, Derek Lyons, ​CEO of RITE, called the‌ decision a “huge victory toward securing‌ the elections⁢ that Arizonans deserve, which are elections they can ‌trust.”

“RITE ​will build on this victory to ⁢continue ⁤to ⁣fight in court⁣ for elections that are administered​ according to democratically enacted laws, not illegal partisan commands,” he added.

The ​group said in a statement that the ruling shows that Mr. Fontes must change his signature verification procedures before⁣ the next election to “protect‌ the integrity of Arizona’s mail-in balloting process” or face further legal consequences.

It’s unclear whether the ruling will have any implications for Ms. Lake’s ongoing appeal against Mr. Fontes and Maricopa County officials over the signature​ verification process used in​ the‌ previous gubernatorial election.

A judge in⁤ May ⁤ dismissed Ms. Lake’s lawsuit, but she filed an⁢ appeal (pdf), ‌which ‍is ⁤ongoing before the Arizona Court of Appeals.

Kari Lake Angle

Election data from the November 2022 election shows that Ms. Lake ⁣was⁤ behind Democrat Katie Hobbs—who has since been declared Arizona governor—by ⁤about 17,000 votes.

Ms. ‌Lake and her ‍legal team argued that there was a flood of mail-in ballots in ⁣Maricopa County at a time⁤ when there were too ⁢few⁢ workers to verify ballot signatures properly.

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