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Phone data corruption impeded Jan. 6 pipe bomber search, ex-FBI official claims.

FBI Investigators Encounter Data Corruption in January 6 Pipe Bomb Investigation

FBI investigators faced a frustrating setback in their January 6 pipe bomb investigation when they discovered that phone carrier data had been corrupted. This revelation was shared by a former senior bureau official who led the inquiry, Steve D’Antuono, during a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary Committee.

In a newly released transcript excerpt, D’Antuono discussed how the use of geofencing technology to identify the pipe bomb suspect was hindered by the corrupted data. The suspect, captured in surveillance video sitting on a bench in Washington, D.C., appeared to be holding a phone. D’Antuono expressed his disappointment, stating, “It just – unusual circumstance that we have corrupt data from one of the providers.”

Although D’Antuono could not recall the specific carrier, he emphasized the significance of the missing information and the impact it had on the investigation. He lamented, “So that is painful for us to not have that. So we looked at everything.”

More than two years after the incident, the suspect, who remains unidentified, planted a pair of pipe bombs outside the Republican National Committee’s and Democratic National Committee’s offices in Washington, D.C., on January 5, 2021, the night before the Capitol riot on January 6. The devices were discovered approximately 17 hours later.

The FBI continues to take the investigation seriously and has increased the reward for information to $500,000. They urge anyone with relevant information to come forward.


Additional Insights from the Transcript Excerpts

The released transcript excerpts also shed light on other aspects of the investigation. D’Antuono revealed that the gender of the suspect was unknown during his tenure and dismissed claims of the pipe bomb scare being a diversion as “pure speculation.” He also questioned the effectiveness of the pipe bombs, considering their one-hour kitchen timer components, admitting, “Maybe they weren’t supposed to go off. We can’t —we don’t know.”

The excerpts were included in a letter dated June 14, addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray. The letter, co-signed by Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and three subcommittee chairmen, including Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), reiterated the demand for a briefing on the status of the pipe bomb investigation, along with various documents and communications. A deadline of June 28 was set for the FBI to respond.

The Daily Wire has reached out to the FBI for comment on the new letter.

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