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Conservative journalist challenges AP’s claim of ‘violent confrontations’ at Target.

Conservative Backlash Against Target Sparks Controversy

Target has faced intense criticism from conservatives after marketing a female swimsuit as “tuck-friendly” and with “extra crotch coverage,” as well as hiring an artist who formerly created Satanic items to make various “Pride Month” designs for the company. The retail giant claimed that its stores have seen threats after introducing the items, but the Associated Press took the claim at face value, prompting the news outlet to quietly amend the story.

“Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work,” the company said. “Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.”

Katrina Trinko, the editor-in-chief of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal, wrote to the Associated Press to ask for the source of the claim, which had not been mentioned in the statement from Target. The outlet then softened the language of the lede and added another sentence: “Target said that customers knocked down Pride displays at some stores, angrily approached workers and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores.”

New Playbook for the Left?

Trinko noted that insinuating conservatives are dangerous and a genuine threat to the safety of others is merely a new tactic for companies and ideologues impacted by conservative boycotts. She predicted that “This is the Left testing out a new playbook. They’re frightened by what’s happening to Bud Light, which continues to grapple with massive declines in sales. Leftist activists know that having corporations side with them and promote leftist values is crucial to their long-term success.”

“If Target has receipts, as the kids say when they want proof of something, let’s see them. Let’s see the security camera footage of what exactly made employees feel unsafe. Let’s see the attacks on displays. Let’s hear the threats for ourselves.”

Target’s market capitalization has fallen from $70.4 billion to $65.0 billion over the past week.

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