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Conservative event organizer sues payment processor over service cancellation.

Get ready for some legal drama! The ​Patriot Voice (TPV),⁤ a conservative group, is taking Total Systems Services (TSYS) to court for allegedly canceling transaction services ‍for one of their events in Texas. And they’re not holding back – they’re​ seeking ​a whopping $18 ⁢million in ⁢damages!

According to a report by The Texan, TPV had to ⁤cancel their 2023 event in Dallas after TSYS allegedly terminated their services. TPV claims that TSYS ⁤engaged in “viewpoint discrimination”⁤ by abruptly⁤ ending their⁣ contract.

TPV, headquartered in Southlake, Texas, ‌is known for hosting events featuring prominent conservative speakers like James O’Keefe, Gen. Michael Flynn, Sheriff David‌ Clarke, and actor James Caviezel.

Conservative​ Events Group Canceled

TPV is not taking this lightly. They are accusing TSYS of fraud, deception, and ⁣breach of contract. It⁢ all started⁢ when TPV scheduled their event for January 2023. After their previous service provider canceled their contract, TSYS agreed to step ⁢in and provide transactional services.

However, TPV claims that TSYS rejected their⁤ transactions the following month, citing reasons‌ like the transactions being “too large”​ or⁤ “outside our risk parameters.” TPV was then ‍informed that their organization ⁢was labeled ‍as an “exclusionary‍ business” by TSYS’s risk department.

John Sabal, ⁤the owner of TPV and⁣ a Navy veteran, is not happy about this. He provided evidence​ of an ⁤email‍ from​ TSYS stating that they assess the risk​ for accounts that no longer meet their criteria. But here’s the catch – TSYS never explained why TPV was considered an “exclusionary business” or why they no longer fit the criteria.

Organizer⁤ Cancels Event

With⁤ their contract on hold and unable ⁣to process event transactions, TPV had no choice but to cancel the Dallas engagement. This​ decision cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in‍ incurred costs and an ‍estimated $1.5 ⁣million in⁣ lost profits from that event alone, not ‍to mention potential sponsorship ⁤losses.

TPV is not backing down.⁤ They argue that TSYS concealed crucial information‍ about the ​”risk parameters” associated with their account, causing significant financial harm to their organization.

TPV Attorney Involved in Failed Defamation Suit

In an interesting twist, TPV’s⁤ attorney was recently ⁢involved in a⁤ defamation lawsuit against⁢ Texas state⁣ Rep. Jeff Leach. The lawsuit was dismissed⁣ on Aug.⁤ 30, adding⁤ another ‍layer of intrigue to this ongoing legal battle.

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