Report: China plans to construct military base near Florida, just 100 miles off the coast.

Communist China’s Plan to Build Military Base in Cuba Raises Concerns

Communist China is reportedly planning on building a military base in northern Cuba, approximately 100 miles off the coast of Florida, sending U.S. officials into a panic over how to respond.

The Wall Street Journal reported that China and Cuba are at an “advanced stage” in negotiating the new joint military facility. This revelation has sparked concerns among U.S. officials, who have access to highly classified intelligence regarding the proposed base.

The facility, if built, would allow China to permanently station troops on the island and enhance its collaborative espionage efforts with Cuba against the U.S.

According to the report, this move is part of China’s global military expansion plan called “Project 141.” Interestingly, all previous efforts under Project 141 have been outside the Western Hemisphere, making this potential base in Cuba a significant development.

Some U.S. officials speculate that China’s increased activity in Cuba is a response to America’s support and presence in Taiwan, which is located just 100 miles off China’s coast.

However, there are officials who downplay the Journal’s reporting, including their previous report about China and Cuba’s joint efforts to build spy stations targeting the U.S.

“The intelligence community has assessed for several years that the PRC intends to expand its reach globally, and in this case, it is premature to draw firm conclusions about recent reporting,” stated a U.S. intelligence official. “At this stage, it does not appear to be anything that provides much of an enhancement to the current suite of capabilities.”

China’s Growing Presence in Cuba

The Journal reported that China reached a deal with Cuba to build an electronic eavesdropping base in the country, reportedly worth billions. This base would enable China to intercept communications in the southeastern U.S., where numerous military bases are located. Additionally, the Chinese spy base could monitor U.S. ship traffic.

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