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Matt Rife stands firm, unapologetic for his humor

The Jordan B. ‍Peterson Podcast: ⁣Matt Rife’s Response to Criticism and Lack of ⁣Consequences

The following ⁤is a transcript excerpt from Dr.⁤ Jordan​ Peterson’s ⁣conversation with ‍comedian​ Matt Rife. In this segment, they discuss the criticism over​ Matt’s Netflix special, how he ‌responded, and the lack​ of ‌consequences for leveling⁤ an accusation. You can listen to or watch the ⁣full podcast ⁤episode ​on ‍DailyWire+.

Start time: 1:01:29

Jordan: ​One of ​the things that⁢ I have noticed repeatedly, because ⁤I have gone through repeated attempts of people trying‍ to cancel ‌me, is that ⁣it can be quite an intense experience‍ when in the immediate aftermath of its occurrence and that is somewhat off-putting and destabilizing ​because you do⁣ not exactly know how far out ‌it is going to spread or what the consequences could be. But if you did not ⁤do anything wrong and you do not apologize, or maybe you ⁢make ‌light of⁤ it in some creative way, then the probability‍ that it will turn around and flip‍ in your direction, if you can tolerate the weight, is extremely high. Part of the reason I am bringing this up is‌ because I do not think the people who are in the ⁢throes of being canceled understand this.

You can imagine historically, if an ‌angry mob of⁤ 40 of your neighbors⁢ showed ‍up on your⁤ doorstep with pitchforks and ⁢flames, it would probably be a ⁢good time to think, “These people would not⁢ have gone to all that ⁢time and effort, in all likelihood, had I not done something wrong.” But now you can​ whip up a Twitter mob in no time whatsoever, with no effort⁤ at no ⁢cost‍ to yourself ​and probably some benefit. So your‌ instinctual ⁤responses to being mobbed are ‍wrong.

Matt: Yeah, it doesn’t translate to the real‌ world. I just walked through two very packed‌ airports and did nothing ⁢but take like 45 pictures. Nothing but⁣ a positive response.

Jordan: Have you had any negative responses? You⁣ said you had no negative responses to anything you have ever​ said so far at a live show and ‌when you ‍were actually on stage. What ​about out in‍ the actual world?

Matt: Not once. Never once has somebody come up to me and said, “Hey, I didn’t like the thing you said.” That ⁤kind of —​ I don’t know if you want to call it — a mixture of social ​awareness and accountability doesn’t translate to the real world.

WATCH: The​ Jordan⁤ B.⁤ Peterson Podcast

Jordan: It also takes a lot ​of⁣ gall ‍to do that — to come up to someone and say, “You know​ that thing you⁣ said?” even though you don’t know who ⁢they are.

Matt: Imagine ⁣you see a street​ performer; they’re playing violin on ⁣a street corner, they’ve got their case out with ‌cash. ⁢Say you ⁤f***ing ​hate violins. Violin drives ​you nuts. Maybe he’s not‌ even good at playing violin. What do⁤ you do? You keep ‌walking, right? No sane, decent human being stops and goes, “You’re f***ing ‌awful dude. Kill yourself. What are you doing out here? You’re making ⁣my life miserable until I ⁤just look a different ​direction.” ⁣That’s an insane thing‍ to do,​ and most people know not to do that. But obviously the internet creates this. ⁤This is what I would believe to⁤ be ​false confidence and ⁣believing that they’re safe behind this ‌imaginary source of social media — that they don’t⁤ face any repercussions because their profile picture is an anime character ​and everything’s a private profile. There’s no consequence⁢ for saying what they say.

Jordan: There is no consequence for leveling an accusation. ⁤Yes, it is really ⁤bad.

Matt: Versus the‌ real world. You ⁢come up to me;⁤ I can have⁣ an intellectual conversation with you ⁣as⁣ to why I disagree with you.

Jordan: Or make a joke.

Matt: Yes. Or I could smack the ‍s***‌ out⁤ of you. That is also a consequence ​that is viable.⁣ And that doesn’t weigh on anybody on the internet, so it’s easier for people to talk s*** on ⁤there versus the‍ real ⁣world where people actually aren’t ⁣even bothered. And also, I had to​ figure, most ‍people who talk s*** on the internet and actively try to‍ cancel people and ‌have no life, they’re not out in ⁤the real world.⁤ They’re ⁢in⁤ their‍ house doing ⁤absolutely nothing, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Jordan: Yes, and they definitely have ⁣the mentality of mean girl high ⁣school bullies: We are going to‌ shame, we are going ‌to reputation savage,​ we‌ are ‌going⁤ to⁣ exclude.

Matt: Go ahead. Put so much energy in your life into thinking about me ⁣and how much you don’t ⁣like me. What a waste of ⁣your ​life.

Jordan: Now, ‌you said too⁤ that⁢ when you posted your ⁢response to ‍the criticisms, you posted something — I think that is wildly​ funny, by the way — so ⁢maybe you could explain that to this particular crowd. But you also told me⁣ in the intervening time between the two podcasts that that was not a calculated response — that you⁤ relied on your instinct for what was funny. So explain⁣ what you did.

Matt: ​So funny, you sound like a principal, who my parents came here — “Tell⁤ them⁢ what you did.”

Jordan: Right? That’s right. Exactly. ​Lay it​ out, man.

Matt: Basically, this thing happened. There ‍was​ outrage over ⁤a joke that was wildly misperceived, and that’s fine. You’re allowed to like or​ not like a​ joke. Totally ok. ​And in⁤ response to that, I ⁤posted. When ⁣you get canceled⁣ or ⁢somebody ⁤is upset about a joke, you’re supposed ‍to apologize. People want you ⁤to back ⁣down and shame you and ⁢recognize⁤ what you’ve done⁤ wrong. ⁤And I don’t believe I did anything wrong whatsoever. ​So it made me really feel ‌like the people who were offended by this‍ were, for lack of better words and to be quite ⁢frank, weak-minded. ‌So ‌I posted⁣ a photo of me ‌on ‍stage — I thought⁣ it was a good photo — with a link at⁢ the‍ bottom ​of it.

Engaging Paraphrase:

Matt Rife: Hey, have ​you seen ⁤that caption on my post?​ It’s ⁣hilarious! It’s ‌like a​ hidden apology for all the ‍offensive jokes I’ve told. ⁢The link description was a ⁤dead⁢ giveaway, saying “click to solve⁢ your issue.” But guess ⁢what? When you click​ on it, it‍ takes you ‍to an online store! Can you believe‍ it?

Jordan:‍ The ⁤Ambiguity of the Apology

Jordan: ⁣ That’s funny, Matt. “Click to solve your ‌issue.” It’s so ambiguous, and that’s what makes it even funnier.

Matt Rife Instagram.

Matt: Exactly! And when you click on the link, it⁤ redirects you to a store‍ selling special needs​ helmets. People misunderstood‍ the⁣ joke and thought I was making fun of special needs individuals.​ But that’s not the case at all.

Jordan: Well, you’re actually making ⁣fun of those who ⁢claim ​special needs for their emotional fragility⁣ inappropriately.

Matt: That’s‍ right. I’m saying they​ need those helmets more than anyone ‍else. And the⁣ best part is that they ​clicked on it!

Jordan: Haha, true! Maybe they​ should invent ​special needs ‌earplugs for comedy ​shows, so ‍they⁤ can’t hear‌ the comedian at all.

Matt: That’s genius! Earplugs that filter ‍out‍ all the words and AI-generate what they want to hear.

Jordan: It won’t be long⁣ before that becomes a reality. You’ll be able‍ to ​get⁤ an AI sensor for sure.

Matt: But technically, that’s what algorithms do already. They show you what ⁣you want to ‍see and tell you what you want to hear. When I was trending on Twitter, I realized it wasn’t ⁢as big of ⁤a⁤ deal as people made it out to be. ⁤It’s all⁢ about perception.

So, yeah, ⁤I posted that misdirected apology as ​a joke, and⁤ it couldn’t have gone‍ better. It was just a spontaneous idea I had while sitting in the passenger seat of a ‌car. I thought it would be funny, ⁤and it turned out to be hilarious. The outrage on Twitter and TikTok was expected, but the fact that it spread to ⁣other platforms ⁣proved my point ⁢even more. People who didn’t ⁣even know me⁣ or⁤ like my comedy found it funny. It actually gained me more fans because most‌ people are tired of this kind of sensitivity.

Jordan: Absolutely! Most people want comedians to ⁣be funny, not politically correct. ⁤Apologizing to appease a small group of people who weren’t even fans to ⁣begin⁤ with⁤ is ⁢pointless. You missed the ​opportunity to​ appeal to‌ a much larger audience who would appreciate your humor.

Todd Owyoung/NBC via Getty Images

Matt: Exactly! Analytically, I gained ‍more fans than I lost across‌ all platforms. The extremes of the outrage actually benefited me. Even if people didn’t like that particular ​joke, they found other jokes of mine funny.​ The loud opposition balanced each other out, and I⁣ attracted a whole new demographic of fans.

Jordan: You definitely brought your work to the attention of people who wouldn’t have⁣ known you ​otherwise.

Matt: So many people ‍have commented saying​ they didn’t know me before, but they liked the ⁣joke I ‍told. It’s an ongoing process of love and ‌hate, and I’m totally fine with that for the ⁣rest ⁣of my career and life.

Jordan: Well, if you’re lucky, it’ll continue ‍that way.


I ⁣sure hope so.

* * *

To hear the ‍rest of this discussion, continue by listening or watching this episode on ⁢ DailyWire+.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical ⁤psychologist and professor emeritus at the ‍University ​of Toronto. ⁢From 1993 ​to 1998, ‌he⁢ served as assistant and then associate professor of⁣ psychology at Harvard. He is the ⁤international bestselling author of Maps of Meaning, 12​ Rules ‍For ⁢Life, and Beyond Order. You can ‌now listen to or watch his‌ popular​ lectures ‍on DailyWire+.

In what ways does ‍cancel culture ​promote anonymity ⁢and hiding behind‌ screens?

The outrage mobs⁢ only perpetuates the​ culture of cancel culture,​ where people ⁤are silenced for ‌expressing their opinions or making jokes. By standing your ground and ‌not apologizing ​for something you believe is not wrong, you are ‍actually gaining more respect and​ support ⁣from ​your audience.

The​ Lack ⁤of​ Consequences in Cancel Culture

Jordan: ⁤That’s an important point, Matt. The⁣ lack of consequences‍ in cancel culture is a significant issue. People on⁣ the internet can make⁤ false accusations, slander others,​ and ruin their⁢ reputations⁣ without facing any repercussions. It’s like‍ they have a false sense of ⁢safety‍ behind their screens.

Matt: Exactly. They hide behind fake profiles and anonymous accounts,‍ thinking they can say‍ whatever they want without any consequences. But in the real⁢ world, if someone has a problem with⁣ what I say, they can confront⁣ me, and we can‍ have ⁤a‌ conversation or even settle it physically if necessary. There’s accountability in the​ real​ world.

Jordan: It’s true. ⁤The internet has created this culture where people feel entitled to tear⁣ others down without any accountability. They act like high school bullies, shaming‍ and excluding others, all while ⁤hiding behind their screens.​ It’s⁣ a‌ waste‍ of their own lives and energy to focus so much on hating⁣ someone else.

Matt: Absolutely. They put so much time and effort into hating‌ and trying to cancel someone they don’t even know. It’s⁢ a sad way to​ live.

Engaging with⁣ Criticism: The Power‌ of⁢ Humor

Jordan: Now, let’s talk about your response to ‌the ‌criticism.‍ You posted a clever photo and link on ⁤your ​Instagram as a way to respond to ⁢the outrage. Can you explain what you did and your intention behind it?

Matt: Sure. So,​ when the⁤ outrage happened over a joke that was misperceived, I knew that people expected me to apologize. But I didn’t believe I did anything wrong, so apologizing was not ⁣an option. Instead, I‍ decided to post a photo of myself on‌ stage, a good photo, with a link at the bottom ⁣that said “Click to solve your issue.”

Jordan: ‌ That’s hilarious. The ambiguity of the apology is what ⁣makes it funny.

Matt: ​ Exactly! And when people ⁣clicked​ on the ‍link, it‍ redirected ⁢them to ​a store selling special needs helmets. It was a way of saying that those⁣ who were offended by the joke needed those helmets more than anyone⁣ else. And the fact that they clicked on it just‌ added to‍ the humor.

Jordan: It’s a brilliant ​response. It shows⁢ that you can use ⁤humor to address criticism⁤ and poke fun at those who are overly sensitive. It also​ gained you more ​fans who appreciate your ability to stand your ground and ⁣not apologize for something you believe in.

Matt: That’s exactly it. Comedy should ‍be funny, and ‌comedians shouldn’t have to cater to ⁢everyone’s sensitivities. By not apologizing and responding with humor, I showed that I ​am‌ confident in my jokes and that I ⁢won’t back down to the cancel culture mob. It’s important​ to ⁢stay true to yourself⁣ and not let others dictate what ​you can and cannot say.


Criticism and‌ cancel culture are prevalent‌ in today’s society, especially on the internet.⁣ However, it’s crucial to understand that not ⁢all criticism is valid,‌ and‍ not all jokes should be taken seriously. By responding with humor​ and standing ‌your ⁣ground, you can navigate the ‍world of cancel culture and gain support from those who appreciate your authenticity.

Matt Rife’s⁣ response to the criticism over his Netflix ⁤special is an excellent ⁤example of how to handle cancel culture. By using humor ​and not apologizing ‌for something ⁣he believes is not ⁢wrong,‍ he shows​ that he is not afraid to be himself and that he won’t be silenced by⁤ outrage ⁣mobs on the⁤ internet.

Cancel culture ‌and the lack ​of consequences ‌for​ leveling accusations​ are toxic⁢ aspects of our ⁤society⁤ that need to be addressed. ​It’s essential to ‌cultivate a culture where open dialogue and debate are ​encouraged, rather than​ silencing those with differing opinions.

As consumers of media and participants⁣ in online‌ discussions, we should⁢ be ‌critical‌ of cancel culture and ⁤not be quick to jump on the bandwagon of outrage.​ It’s important to consider different perspectives and ‌engage in thoughtful conversations rather than resorting to accusations​ and canceling individuals.

Overall, Matt Rife’s response to criticism and the lack of consequences in cancel⁢ culture serves as an important reminder to stay true to ⁣oneself and respond with humor, ⁣not justifying false accusations or giving in to the demands of an outraged mob.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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