the federalist

CNN finds hormone unsuitable for teachers to administer to children.

A Shocking Violation of Trust: ⁢Teacher Gives Melatonin Gummies to Students Without⁣ Consent

A special education teacher in Humble, Texas,⁤ gave melatonin gummies to a few of her students, and ⁣CNN is mad. ​Not only were ‌the students’ parents not informed, the outlet tells us, but the teacher didn’t even alert the school nurse or administrators either. It’s shocking, really, a teacher giving kids a hormone ‍supplement without parental consent. We should really demand better of our educational system.

A Betrayal of Trust: The Disturbing Actions of a ​Teacher

Though‌ the teacher has resigned, ⁢we should all be flabbergasted and dismayed at this egregious violation of⁤ the ​trust ‍between parents and schools. Today, ⁤melatonin gummies, tomorrow, the teacher, had she not resigned, may have done something especially horrific, like encouraging students to hide really big secrets from their parents. She may have even aided and abetted students in that subterfuge.

Except, had she, CNN and the ‍rest⁢ of the​ corporate media would not ​be so perturbed. They would probably even cheer the teacher‍ on. For example, here’s CNN on a policy adopted by the school district in ⁤San Bernadino, California, that would require educators to inform parents if their kids adopted a different so-called “gender identity” while ⁤in the classroom. It⁣ quotes a teacher ⁢who says, “We’ll truly hit a milestone⁣ in our district when ‘sensitive issues’ aren’t sensitive at‍ all, and these children can‌ choose to simply exist exactly ‍how they ‌are.” Read: We’ll truly hit a milestone ⁢when teachers can​ help students potentially destroy their⁣ lives without notifying the parents as to what’s going on.

It doesn’t stop there, though. Here’s another CNN piece ⁤ on parents’ rights, this time about teaching kids how to be racists and also explore ⁣their “gender expression” and not ‌the horrors of a melatonin gummy. Parents’ rights bills, we’re told, have a “chilling” effect on education. Laws letting parents know what’s going ‌on in the ⁤classroom, the article‌ continues, “have an ulterior motive driving⁤ them: to empower a vocal and censorship-minded minority with greater opportunity to scrutinize public ​education and ⁤intimidate educators with threats of punishment.”

If a “censorship-minded minority intimidating educators with threats of punishment” is what comes⁢ to mind when you learn of bills designed to⁣ keep parents informed about what their kids are learning, perhaps you need to eat a melatonin ‌gummy yourself, if not something ​stronger.

And it’s not ​just ⁣CNN. Here’s ABC,​ in a profile of families⁢ with gender non-conforming kids who fled “anti-LGBTQ” ⁣states, including Texas and Florida. In the‌ profile, we learn that⁢ “studies, including research in ⁢JAMA ‌Surgery, have shown that ⁣gender-affirming⁤ care can ⁤be lifesaving for ​transgender and nonbinary children and ​adolescents, promoting positive mental and physical health and well-being.” Oh, ⁤OK then.

But what ⁣about studies regarding melatonin and its risks? ‌In the CNN piece about the teacher⁢ in ‍Texas, the authors state, ⁣“there are uncertainties about‌ what dose to use and when⁣ to give it,‌ the effects of ‌melatonin use over long periods of time, and whether melatonin’s benefits outweigh its possible risks.”⁤ CNN also has an op-ed from June of this year that‍ posits, “You might want to ‍rethink taking melatonin‍ as a sleep aid.”

Moreover, did you know that melatonin may cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, mild anxiety,⁢ and a host of‌ other issues? You might if you read CNN. (Please note, I’m ‍not encouraging you to read ‍CNN. While the side effects have not been well ​studied, it’s a ⁣risk I’m willing to take for you.)

Are there any‌ similar risks to transgender interventions — that is, years of wrong-sex hormones and genital mutilations?

According to CNN, it doesn’t seem so. Here’s a search for “risks hormones transgender.” Here’s one ‍for “risks gender affirming care.” Here’s are the results for⁣ the same query on ABC’s website.⁤ Here’s what the search pulls up on the ABC site if you search for the former.

Notice ⁤anything about those results, like the complete lack of curiosity about what, if‍ any, long-term side-effects there might be to⁣ pumping kids full of ‍hormones ⁣or cutting up their bodies? Jesse Singal, who is in ⁣favor of transgender medical interventions but is actually ⁤curious about the fact that they are still experimental, highlights many of the problems with​ the literature surrounding wrongly named “gender-affirming care” in this article on his Substack. In short, merely waiving away⁣ concerns is a‍ huge risk, much‍ more so⁤ than giving kids a melatonin gummy.

Alas, ‌very few‍ other journalists, or​ “journalists,” are ⁢interested in such questions.⁤ Maybe ‍when pharmaceutical​ companies ⁤start packaging wrong-sex ⁢hormones ⁣in gummy bears, ​more will⁣ get concerned, though the concern will probably be ⁢that ⁢the flavors aren’t as delicious as they could be.

It would be good for society‍ if CNN, ABC, and other corporate‌ outlets truly⁤ cared about the well-being of kids and ensuring their safety in all situations. Alas, they do ⁢not. Instead, they only care about kids in the same sense that Hamas​ does, as cannon fodder⁣ and human shields ⁢in⁣ the holy wars being waged by the supposed adults ​in the room.

Itle=risks+gender+affirming+care&types=all§ion=”> telling us ⁤that ​​gender-affirming care can be “lifesaving” and promote⁤ positive mental⁢ and ⁢physical health. The double standards and hypocrisy displayed by the ‌media are truly​ astonishing.

When it comes to

How does gender-affirming care contribute to positive mental health?

Gender-affirming ⁣care, which encompasses various medical, psychological, and social interventions, plays a crucial role in promoting positive mental health among transgender and gender-expansive individuals. Here are ⁢ways in which gender-affirming care contributes to positive mental health:

1. Alleviates Gender Dysphoria: Gender-affirming care helps individuals align⁤ their⁢ gender identity with their bodies and appearance. Treatments such as hormone therapy, surgeries, or procedures like voice training can ⁤alleviate gender dysphoria, a distressing⁣ condition resulting from the mismatch ⁣between a person’s gender identity and assigned sex. ​By reducing dysphoria, individuals​ experience improved mental well-being.

2. Boosts Self-Esteem and​ Confidence: ‌Gender-affirming care empowers individuals to express their gender identity⁢ authentically. This affirmation positively impacts self-esteem, self-acceptance, and ‌self-confidence. Seeing their physical appearance align ‍with their gender identity can help transgender individuals feel more comfortable and accepting of themselves.

3.‍ Reduces‍ Mental Health‌ Disparities: Transgender and gender-expansive individuals often face higher ⁣rates of ⁤mental​ health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation due to societal‍ stigma and discrimination. Gender-affirming care helps address these disparities by ⁢reducing the impact of external stressors, improving overall mental well-being, and⁣ reducing the risk of developing mental health conditions.

4. Enhances Emotional Well-being: By providing access to gender-affirming services, individuals experience a greater sense of emotional well-being. The gender-affirming process can bring relief, joy, and a sense of ​authenticity, which positively impacts mental health outcomes.

5. Improves ​Social Support and Connection: Gender-affirming care involves support from healthcare professionals, therapists, and support groups. These‍ resources facilitate the creation of connections between individuals experiencing similar challenges and provide a safe space for sharing experiences‌ and emotions. Building this support network​ contributes to improved mental health outcomes by reducing feelings ⁣of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

6. Facilitates Acceptance ‍from⁣ Others: When ⁤transgender individuals have their gender affirmed through care, it‌ often leads to increased acceptance from​ family,⁤ friends, and ‍society. This acceptance reduces internalized stigma ⁤and supports a healthier psychosocial environment, contributing ⁢to positive mental health.

It is important to acknowledge that gender-affirming⁣ care should be personalized to each individual’s needs and goals, and a multidisciplinary approach involving healthcare professionals, mental health providers, and social support systems‌ is crucial for optimal outcomes.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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