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Church vandalized with LGBTQ graffiti after evicting preschool with Pride flags.

A Massachusetts Church Faces Vandalism and Protests After Evicting Preschool for Hanging Pride Flags

A Massachusetts church recently found itself at the center of controversy when it was vandalized with LGBTQ graffiti and faced a 150-person protest. The incident occurred after the church evicted a preschool that had displayed Pride flags on its property.

The Grace Community Church, located near Salem, Massachusetts, was targeted with spray paint on its outer wall. The graffiti read, “Stay Gay. Stay Hard. Love is 4 everyone” with a crude rainbow drawn between the words.

The vandalism took place amidst an ongoing battle between the church and Mike Richmond, the owner of Pleasant Street Preschool. The preschool rented a Sunday school classroom from the church and had displayed Pride flags outside the classroom. Richmond recorded a video of two church members removing the flags, leading to a verbal dispute.

During the confrontation, Richmond questioned the church members about their actions. Mrs. Steadman, one of the churchgoers, responded by stating that the church does not celebrate Pride because of its religious beliefs. Richmond pressed further, asking about the message being sent to the children. Steadman defended the church’s stance, stating that they honor the preschool’s business but expect their beliefs to be respected in return.

The incident led to Richmond accusing the church of homophobia on social media. He also emailed Pastor David Brame and the church elders, expressing his concerns. The church elders responded, denying any intention to kick out the preschool and explaining that they had extended the lease to avoid causing harm to the business and hardship for enrolled families.

Following the incident, Richmond decided to close the preschool immediately, citing concerns for the safety of himself and the children’s parents. He reported the vandalism to the local police.

The controversy surrounding Grace Community Church and Pleasant Street Preschool has sparked discussions about religious liberty and LGBTQ rights. Similar conflicts have arisen in other communities, involving both Christians and Muslims. The incident in Massachusetts adds to the ongoing national conversation about the intersection of religious beliefs and LGBTQ ideology.

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