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Christian ethics and utilitarianism lead Elon Musk and SBF down divergent paths.

Theo Von ​ playfully remarked on “The Joe Rogan Experience” that ‌billionaires “resemble extraterrestrials.” Their bodies ‌often have peculiar shapes and their pale complexion is ⁣a​ result of limited exposure to sunlight. They seem to exist in‍ a realm⁤ separate ‌from ours.

We⁣ jest that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerburg is a lizard, X CEO Elon‌ Musk is a Martian desperately ‌trying‌ to return home, and former FTX⁣ CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is⁣ a robot.⁤

Rogan pondered whether this represents the next stage of ‍human ‌evolution: exceptional ​technical abilities coupled‌ with social ⁣ineptitude. Could Musk accomplish all ⁤that⁤ he does ‍while still experiencing normal human emotions? The cautionary tale, as demonstrated‍ by Bankman-Fried, is⁢ that not all ⁤aliens are friendly.

Uncomfortably Brilliant

New biographies⁢ of Musk and​ Bankman-Fried, ‌ Elon Musk and Going ‌Infinite, reveal ⁣instances where these⁤ individuals had to ⁢consciously learn what comes‍ naturally to most children. Bankman-Fried​ had to⁤ teach‍ himself to ⁤“smile when⁣ I’m ‍supposed ​to smile.”⁣ He began using phrases like​ “Yup” ‌and ‍“Awesome,” regardless of whether he agreed with the conversation,⁢ because people‍ appreciate affirmation. Musk only discovered through reading⁢ that people don’t always say exactly​ what they mean. They acquired skills such ⁤as⁤ making eye contact and expressing themselves through vocal⁢ intonation.

Both men gravitated towards STEM ‍disciplines and ⁢rejected conventional⁢ religious​ explanations for life’s profound questions. However, their early exposure to​ religion influenced​ their ⁣moral ⁢compass as adults.

‘I Didn’t Think Anyone Actually​ Believed in God’

Bankman-Fried’s parents were not particularly traditional. They did not ​celebrate birthdays‍ and even forgot to observe Hanukkah one⁤ year. No one seemed to mind, so they didn’t reinstate ⁢the tradition. When SBF was ‌10 years old, he discovered that his classmate Henry‍ genuinely believed in God. Until then, comfortably nestled in his ‍Berkeley bubble, Bankman-Fried assumed that God was akin ⁣to‍ Santa Claus: a delusion held by some children but ‌not by any rational adults. As author​ Michael Lewis describes it, SBF ⁣realized that “the world could be completely‌ wrong about ⁤something, and he‍ could be completely right.”

He embraced his parents’‍ utilitarianism, which eventually led him to Effective ‍Altruism, a philosophy that⁣ encourages accumulating significant wealth and then ‌donating⁢ it to ‍the most efficient charitable causes. SBF later became involved in a subset of EA known as longtermism, which focuses on existential threats to humanity’s ⁢future, such as asteroid impacts or rogue AI. The underlying idea⁢ is that safeguarding all of⁤ posterity ⁤outweighs the importance of saving one⁣ child in Africa today.

Charity Without God’s Moral Law

The result is a philosophy devoid of God, which he found absurd, or emotions, which he found perplexing. Instead, he ‍transformed morality into a technocratic‌ game. Actual human ‌beings ⁤remained at a comfortable distance, as did ⁢any sense of​ self-discipline or virtue. Personal vices and acts of kindness became inconsequential when weighed against the fate of humanity.

The game was simple and easily quantifiable: maximize earnings, optimize donations. Loving⁤ one’s neighbor became a rounding error in this calculation. He regarded art, religion, and books ⁣as a waste of time, suitable only for individuals lost in delusion and subjectivity, far removed from his clean, objective worldview. In his view, any book‍ “should have ‌been a six-paragraph blog post.”

Christian Upbringing and Early ⁣Skepticism

In contrast, author ​Walter Isaacson recounts how⁢ Musk’s mother took him to Sunday school in South Africa​ at⁢ the local Anglican Church. She taught there, and Musk⁢ would challenge the ⁢Bible stories⁢ she‍ shared. Miracles ​puzzled him. ⁢”What do you mean, the waters ‍parted?” ​he would ask. “That’s not possible.”

He was baptized and began receiving communion. However, he ⁣found communion to ⁣be strange as well.⁤ He wondered, “Is‌ this [body and blood of Christ] a peculiar metaphor for cannibalism?” Eventually, he started staying home and ⁢reading on Sunday​ mornings instead.

His ⁣father, despite being an abusive and unpredictable man, challenged ⁤Musk’s ‌strictly materialistic worldview. “There are ‌no atheist pilots,” his father would assert, to⁤ which ⁣Musk would retort, “There are no atheists ‍at exam time.” Nevertheless, Musk came to believe that science provided⁢ sufficient answers to ⁤life’s questions, except​ for the fundamental one: “Where did the universe come from, and why does ⁢it exist?”​

Science Fiction as an Answer to⁤ Life’s Mysteries

In search of an answer to that question, he turned to science fiction authors like Robert ‌Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Douglas Adams, the author⁤ of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. He concluded that humanity needed​ to ⁣expand its scope of exploration, such as becoming a multi-planetary species, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and its⁤ purpose.

Rather than solely focusing on accumulating wealth for some hypothetical future ⁤good, Musk ⁢dedicated himself to solving the problems that captivated ​him: space⁣ travel, ⁤clean energy, safe AI development, and⁢ transportation. ‍He pursued these goals by establishing ‌companies‍ that directly addressed these issues, refusing to⁣ simply donate money from a distance.

Although he had distanced himself‍ from his childhood ⁢religion,⁢ Christianity still influenced his words ⁤and actions. ⁣He ‌had‍ imbibed the teachings of a ⁣religion that extols not only charitable giving but also lives devoted ​to ⁣acts⁢ of kindness. ‌His fascination with science ⁤fiction never waned, ‍and he even invested in transhumanist endeavors that‍ clashed with Christian doctrine.

Defense of the Human Being

During a discussion, Google co-founder Larry Page argued ‍that even if AI eventually‍ eradicates humanity, it would simply be the next stage of​ evolution. Musk countered ⁣by asserting that “human⁤ consciousness is a precious flicker of light in the universe, and we should not let it be‌ extinguished.” Page dismissed this ⁢sentiment as sentimental nonsense​ and labeled Musk a “specist.”

Musk’s response was not driven‍ by sentimentality. He drew upon the Christian belief that humans were created in​ the image of God, and ‌therefore possess‍ a⁢ unique place​ in the grand tapestry of creation.‌ Genesis, not science,⁣ formed the foundation ⁢of his retort to Page:⁣ “Well, yes, I am pro-human. I f-cking like humanity, dude.”

Musk‌ founded SpaceX with the hope that⁤ a multi-planetary civilization ⁤would decrease the likelihood of human extinction. He established​ Neuralink to ​develop a connection between humans‌ and computers, ensuring that AI does not subjugate ⁤or extinguish humanity. Rather than simply⁣ making‌ distant⁢ donations, he actively engages with the pressing issues of our time.

As his first wife, Justine, realized, ⁤Musk is driven by a desire to solve problems, not ⁢solely by the pursuit of wealth. ‌This mirrors the model ‌of a God who ⁤became incarnate in‍ the messiness ​of ‍our⁢ world,‌ rather than remaining ⁣distant and benevolent. In​ SBF’s worldview, he himself became a god,‌ seeking to amass wealth and power to shape the‌ future of humanity.

SBF and Musk in Contrast

While‌ Musk expressed concerns about ⁤declining population and had 11 children, SBF opted⁤ against having children in favor of longtermism, considering all future generations as ⁤his progeny. Musk could genuinely experience​ pain in his relationships⁣ with family and romantic partners. SBF’s on-again, off-again relationship with ⁢Alameda Research⁢ CEO Caroline Ellison is peculiar and manipulative.

While Musk took⁣ significant risks with SpaceX and Tesla to propel human ⁢progress, SBF ⁣created FTX, essentially a crypto casino that profited from reckless ⁣speculation. ⁤When the money poured in, Musk reinvested it into his companies. SBF ⁣lacked the discipline to utilize it wisely, instead squandering it on overpriced sponsorships, a bankman-fried-parents-16-4m-bahamas-home-meant-for-ftx-staff/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Bahamas mansion for his parents, and foolish political expenditures. The flaw in EA lies ⁣in human fallibility.

This ​is not to say that Musk‌ embodies the Christian life. He is not even a Christian. ‍However, the​ influence of his parents’ Christianity is evident, particularly ⁤when⁤ compared to SBF’s utilitarian worldview and the consequences that ensued. Bankman-Fried became the embodiment of ethics ⁢detached from tradition — a genius unbound‍ by ‍religion. Now, he has become a punchline.


How did the absence of religious ⁤influence in the lives of both individuals contribute‍ to their ability to approach the⁢ bigger questions of life​ and morality with‌ a rational and pragmatic mindset

Gainst the grand vision ⁢of long-term human survival. Bankman-Fried believed that decisions should be⁢ based on logic and the greater good, rather than emotions or religious beliefs.

Similarly, Musk’s upbringing also influenced his perspectives on religion. As a child, he was not raised with any religious beliefs and‌ considered himself agnostic. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he stated, “I didn’t‌ think anyone actually believed⁢ in​ God.” However, ​he also acknowledged the role of religion in shaping ‌societal norms and values.

While both individuals gravitated towards scientific and engineering fields, their lack of religious influence did not negate their ability to ponder ‍the bigger questions of life and morality. In fact, it seems to have propelled ​them towards addressing these questions with a rational and pragmatic approach.

A Singular ‌Focus on ​the Future

The lives and achievements of Elon Musk and ⁢Sam Bankman-Fried exemplify the increasing trend of exceptional individuals who possess extraordinary technical abilities and innovative ⁢visions for the future. These individuals prioritize⁤ the advancement of humanity and tackling existential challenges over conforming to societal norms.

However, their journey‌ towards success has not been without its challenges. Their social awkwardness and unconventional‌ thinking have sometimes hindered their ability to connect with others on a deeper level. While their intelligence and drive have propelled them to great heights, they⁣ have ​also encountered criticism and skepticism.

Nevertheless, both Musk and Bankman-Fried have persevered,⁢ using their unique perspectives and talents to⁤ make a significant impact on the world. Through their⁣ businesses and philanthropic efforts, they contribute to shaping the future of technology, ⁤space exploration, and social change.


The lives of Elon Musk and ‍Sam Bankman-Fried highlight the complex interplay between exceptional‌ talents, social dynamics, and the pursuit of a greater purpose. Their unconventional paths and willingness to challenge ​societal ‌conventions⁢ have allowed them to ⁢redefine what it‌ means to be successful and make a difference.

While their ‍lack of religious influence may⁤ have shaped their approach to morality ⁣and decision-making, it has not diminished their⁢ capacity to think critically and contemplate the ⁤profound questions of human existence. Instead, they have embarked on a journey ⁢to create⁣ a future that aligns with their values and vision, one that transcends traditional boundaries.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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