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Chris Hemsworth Dragged For Photo Of His Wife Smashing Cake In Son’s Face On His 9th Birthday

Chris Hemsworth, the famous actor, has faced criticism for sharing a photo of his 9-year-old son with a cake smashed in his face to celebrate his birthday. Hemsworth posted the photo on Instagram with his wife Elsa Pataky and their three children.

“Happy 9th birthday to my two little men! Only one way to eat cake in this house and that’s to have mum slam your head into it face first!! ‘Hey mum I don’t like chocolate cake I prefer vanilla’ ‘oh really son, what about now’?” Hemsworth wrote in the image caption.

Opponents of the practice of cake-smashing slammed Hemsworth for promoting violent behavior.

“Yeah, not cool. I would never want another birthday cake in my life. Also, its rude to everyone else who might be eating that cake (or what’s left of it). Its gross, rude, and a good way to ruin your kid’s birthdays for the rest of their lives,” one commenter wrote. 

Others defended Hemsworth’s actions by suggesting that cake-smashing could be a cultural tradition for Pataky, who is from Spain.

Mexican actress Salma Hayek explained the origins of “la mordida” tradition in a recent interview. According to her, “When the cake comes, you make a wish, you blow out the candle, and then you take a bite of the cake, and then somebody behind you whacks you in the head and puts your face into the cake. It’s very normal in Mexico,” she said at the time. “Mordida” means “bite” in Spanish.


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‘From “Chris Hemsworth Dragged For Photo Of His Wife Smashing Cake In Son’s Face On His 9th Birthday”

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