Washington Examiner

China hesitates to decline security talks with US.

Chinese Officials Show Willingness to Engage in Defense Talks with the United States

Chinese officials have recently displayed a more open attitude towards holding defense talks with the United States, signaling a potential shift in their stance. This comes as President Joe Biden’s administration portrays Beijing as a reckless power in a region that seeks stability.

“The two sides need to start with specific steps to … creat[e] conditions and remov[e] disruptions for stabilizing China-U.S. relations,”

– Wang Yi, Director of China’s Foreign Affairs Commission

During a meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Wang Yi emphasized the importance of expanding communication channels and promoting smooth people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

Tyranny of the Majority, or the Minority of One

This statement, made on the sidelines of an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Indonesia, stands in stark contrast to Beijing’s recent rhetoric. Just last month, Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu accused the United States of disrupting peace in the region. In response, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin criticized Beijing for closing off communication channels and engaging in provocative encounters with the U.S. military.

Secretary Blinken, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of stability and cooperation during the ASEAN summit:

“That means a region where countries are free to choose their own path and their own partners; where problems are dealt with openly — not through coercion; where rules are reached transparently and applied fairly; where goods, ideas, people flow lawfully and freely across the land, the seas, the skies, and cyberspace.”

– Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Wang Yi’s change in tone comes just days after a rare meeting between a top Pentagon official and Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng in Washington. The Chinese envoy expressed the desire for the United States to work together with China to improve state-to-state and military-to-military relations. However, Pentagon officials clarified that existing sanctions do not prohibit dialogue between senior leaders.

While it remains unclear whether China’s willingness to engage is genuine or simply a diplomatic maneuver, the move could be an attempt to gain diplomatic leverage in a region that both countries consider crucial.

As Blinken engaged with officials from other countries in the region, the diplomatic pressure on China became evident. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi praised the U.S. presence in the region as a bulwark for inclusive regional cooperation. Blinken also emphasized U.S. support for freedom of navigation and peace in the South and East China Seas, as well as across the Taiwan Strait.

Overall, the United States and China are navigating a complex relationship, with both countries recognizing the importance of regional cooperation and avoiding disputes that could hinder progress.

Read More From Original Article Here: China wavers in rejecting security talks with US

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