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Carbon Credit Certifier CEO resigns over worthless green offsets scam.

CEO of Carbon-Offset Certifying Company Resigns Amid Reports of “Worthless” Efforts

David Antonioli, the CEO of Verra, one of the world’s leading carbon-offset certifying companies, resigned from his position last month after 15 years as the company’s leader. While he did not give a specific reason for his departure, it comes on the heels of reports that Verra’s efforts on climate change are essentially “worthless.”

Verra certifies carbon emissions and tracks their levels, providing data used by multinational corporations and governments to prove that emissions overall are being lowered to lessen the effects of global warming. However, a recent investigation by The Guardian, Die Zeit, and SourceMaterial found that Verra’s rainforest credits used by big corporations like Disney, Shell, and Gucci were largely worthless. Critics say the rainforests Verra claimed to protect were not under any threat of being destroyed in the first place.

Leftist HBO host John Oliver blasted the whole idea of carbon offsets last year, saying they don’t really do anything to fight global warming — rather, they are making things worse. As The Guardian noted, some corporations are starting to back away from relying on the claims of carbon offsetting. Gucci recently removed from its website its boast of being carbon neutral, a claim that was based on Verra’s carbon credit data.

What Are Carbon Offsets?

According to Verra’s website, “A carbon offset represents a reduction or removal of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.” These offsets result in “carbon credits” that companies and governments can use to claim that they are arresting climate change.

About Verra

Verra was founded in 2007 by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets. The company manages the world’s leading voluntary carbon markets program, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, as well as a suite of other programs, incubate new ideas to generate meaningful environmental and social value at scale, and advance the use of these programs worldwide.

Are Climate Offset Groups a Scam?

Are climate offset groups a scam?

CEO of Carbon Credit Certifier Resigns Amid Scam Allegations

Recent allegations of fraud have rocked the carbon offset industry, with the CEO of one of the largest certifiers of carbon credits resigning amid accusations of a massive scam.

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However, some scientists have said that governments and corporations should stop relying on companies like Verra to confirm carbon data for several reasons, not the least of which is the lack of clear standards in the unregulated carbon offset industry.

Of course, the whole idea that corporations can just pay money to someone or some company to reduce their carbon emissions without changing their carbon emissions doesn’t pass the test of logic in the first place. More and more people are finally seeing the scam at the center of the carbon offset industry.

It is dawning on many that the whole scheme is merely a way for the super-rich to pump up their public relations and make it seem as if they are “doing something” about climate change when, in truth, they really aren’t.

It’s just a way to make themselves look like green warriors on their web pages and in commercials despite a complete lack of any actual efforts to cut emissions.

CEO of Carbon Credit Certifier Resigns After Scam Exposed: Tens of Millions in Green Offsets Worthless

It’s a shocking revelation that has sent shockwaves through the environmental community. The CEO of a carbon credit certifier has resigned after it was discovered that tens of millions of dollars in green offsets were completely worthless.

“This is a massive blow to the fight against climate change,” said one expert. “It’s a reminder that we need to be vigilant and ensure that those who claim to be helping the environment are actually doing so.”

The Scandal Unfolds

The scandal began when it was discovered that the carbon credits being sold by the certifier were not actually reducing carbon emissions. In fact, they were completely bogus.

As a result, the CEO has resigned and the company is facing a major investigation. It’s a stark reminder that we need to be careful when it comes to carbon offsets and ensure that they are actually making a difference.

What Can We Do?

So, what can we do to ensure that our efforts to fight climate change are not in vain? Here are a few tips:

  • Do your research: Before investing in any carbon offset program, do your research and make sure it’s legitimate.
  • Support reputable organizations: Look for organizations that have a proven track record of making a difference in the fight against climate change.
  • Reduce your own carbon footprint: The best way to fight climate change is to reduce your own carbon footprint. Take steps to reduce your energy consumption, drive less, and eat a plant-based diet.

By taking these steps, we can ensure that our efforts to fight climate change are not in vain.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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