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Schools Must Be Shamed by CDC for Promoting LGBTQ Propaganda

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently published a “self-assessment form” That encourages educators, school leaders, and school health professionals, to consider how to make it happen. “inclusive” They are.

But this document isn’t about treating people with respect and creating a safe environment for everyone in school. This document is a guideline for schools to promote radical LGBTQ propaganda.

The revised document LGBTQ Inclusivity in School: A Self-Assessment Tool, published by the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH), was released mere days after Christmas.

“To assist schools and districts in addressing the health and academic needs of LGBTQ students, this self-assessment tool was created to help school and district staff understand current policies, programs, and practices that may contribute to safe, inclusive environments where all youth can be successful,” This is what the document looks like.

Schools can calculate how many students will graduate based on this assessment. “inclusive” They are on the LGBTQ Inclusivity Continuum. This is a three-part scale based upon how many multiple choice questions you answered. Each question was rated A, C, or B. Your score is determined based on which letter the majority of your answers were.

These are the rankings starting at the bottom: “Commit to Change” Schools that are “minimally inclusive,” “Beginning to Break Through” Schools that are “moderately inclusive,” Finally, “Awesome Ally” Schools that are “highly inclusive.”

So how do educators, school managers, and school health specialists rank high on the list? “continuum”?

It all comes down to the first question in the assessment tool: “I recognize that gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation can be complex, are unique to an individual, and can be experienced on a continuum.”

So, right off the top, it’s clear that this isn’t about inclusivity; it’s about assessing how brainwashed educators are by the transgender cult. To be “inclusive,” You must accept radical leftist gender theory.

Other questions inquire about whether educators assume a student’s gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation; use gender-neutral terms and preferred pronouns; refer to students by chosen names, not birth names; and whether or not they “advocate for LGBTQ inclusive and affirming materials in all school and classroom environments.” Or, to put it another way, you need to be an “Awesome Ally,” They must not only believe in radical leftist gender ideology but also actively promote it in the classroom.

And, of course, they also have to be active in their school’s Gay Straight Alliance/Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) organizations.

Administrators then are asked specific questions about school-related health policies. After answering some questions regarding anti-bullying, discrimination and other topics, the questionnaire will ask administrators whether policies are in place to allow. “students to use the bathroom/locker room which aligns to their chosen gender.” Do you want to be an “Awesome Ally”? You’ve gotta let boys use girls’ locker rooms!

Another troubling question asks whether there are policies in place to accommodate students “who want their paperwork to present their chosen name and pronouns, rather than their legal name.”

It shouldn’t surprise you that the word “word” is used so often. “parent” Oder the phrase “parental consent” The word appears nowhere in this document.

Does the CDC endorse schools that socially transition students without parental consent?

This questionnaire is for teachers is equally disturbing. If you want a high score on the inclusivity continuum, you’d better have LGBTQ symbols in your classroom, including rainbow flags and pink triangles, and teach LGBT materials in class.

There’s a section specifically for health teachers as well.

“During sexual health education lessons, I present information on the range of gender identities and sexual orientations which make up the diversity of friend and romantic relationships,” The question is as follows: This statement is applicable to teachers “a great deal” They are lucky because they have the opportunity to be an “A-List”! “Awesome Ally.”

It gets worse. It gets worse. “present information on all types of sex, not centering on penis/vagina penetrative sex,” Use phrases such as “a body with a penis” Oder “a body with a vagina.”

This document, published by the CDC and created with taxpayer dollars, isn’t about “inclusivity” In the spirit of respecting others, this document is designed to shame educators into encouraging radical leftist gender theory to children.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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