Cawthorn Implores Biden Admin to 'Show Strength' — 'Time to Put Russia in Their Place'


During a Sunday interview on FNC’s “Fox News Live,” Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) reacted to Russia withdrawing 10,000 troops from the Ukraine border amid growing tensions between the two countries.

Cawthorn called on President Joe Biden to reinstate former President Donald Trump’s policies that imposed sanctions on a ship involved in building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“I just want to make it very clear that when we see this 10,000 troop withdrawal from the Russian Ukrainian border, this is nominal at best,” Cawthorn advised. “There are nearly 100,000 Russian troops there with heavy artillery, armored devices, as many things that could be used against the Ukrainians with overwhelming force. If the Biden administration was serious about trying to prevent any form of invasion, they would go back to the 2019 Trump-era policies of imposing sanctions on the company who is building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.”

He continued, “Now, I know that seems a little abstract when we are talking about military force, but the reason why the Russians feel so emboldened to be able to push past the Crimean Peninsula and further enter Ukraine as they’ve threatened to do is because they no longer have to rely on the Ukrainians and their infrastructure to be able to get their natural gas to market and fuel their economy in Germany. Now, they can use the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, completely cutting the need for Ukraine out of the equation.”

Cawthorn hit the Biden administration for being “completely inept” with foreign policy and a “mockery” on the world stage. He urged the administration to “show strength” and “put Russia in their place.”

“It’s very clear this administration is completely inept when it comes to foreign policy,” he emphasized. “And really, I believe this is the time to show strength. This is the time to put Russia in their place and make sure we have no military action. We are hearing a bipartisan call for the idea that we could put troops on the ground or that our fleet inside of the Black Sea could rain down destruction on the Russians. This is asinine at best.

“We have been fighting in a sandbox and in a cage the last 20 years. Meanwhile, they have been creating hypersonic missiles that could sink our fleet in the Black Sea,” concluded Cawthorn.

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