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GOP candidates at the debate were split on the issue of a national abortion ban.

Republican Candidates Debate Abortion Policies

During ⁢the ‌Republican debate in ‍Milwaukee, the ⁣candidates expressed their pro-life stance but had⁢ differing opinions on the⁣ specifics of abortion ‌regulations. Some⁢ favored a six-week ⁣”heartbeat” limit, while others supported a 15-week limit.‍ Additionally, there was debate about whether the recent Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. ‌Wade should ⁤leave the issue to ⁣the states or involve the federal government.

Nikki Haley Calls for Honesty and Consensus

The⁤ first question was directed at former U.N. ambassador Nikki⁣ Haley, the only ‌woman on the stage. Haley, who proudly⁣ identifies as pro-life,⁤ emphasized the need for honesty. She⁣ acknowledged that passing a ‍national abortion ban would require 60 votes in the Senate and a majority ‌in⁤ Congress. Haley urged her fellow Republicans to ⁢find common ​ground by agreeing on banning ⁢late-term⁤ abortions, promoting adoptions, respecting the beliefs of healthcare professionals,​ ensuring access to⁣ contraception,⁢ and rejecting punitive measures against ​women ​who choose abortion.

“Let’s treat this ‌like the respectful issue that ‌it is, and humanize that ‌situation ‌and ‍stop demonizing the situation.”

Ron DeSantis Supports Pro-Life Efforts

Florida‍ Governor ‌Ron⁢ DeSantis, known for signing a heartbeat bill in his state, campaigned on supporting pro-life efforts nationwide. However, he did not commit to signing a⁤ federal ban during the debate. DeSantis suggested ‍leaving the decision to‍ individual states and standing behind pro-life governors and legislatures.

“I’m going to stand on the side‌ of life. But I understand that different states may approach it differently.”

Personal Stories Highlight the‌ Candidates’ Perspectives

The candidates‌ shared personal stories to illustrate their views on abortion. Nikki‌ Haley mentioned her husband’s adoption and her own ⁤complicated pregnancies ⁢as factors influencing her pro-life stance.‍ Ron DeSantis spoke about hearing his oldest daughter’s heartbeat in his wife’s womb and⁣ seeing sonograms of their⁤ younger ⁣children. Former Vice President Mike Pence referred ‍to ⁤his Christian conversion and quoted the ⁢Biblical passage, “Before I ‌formed you in the ​womb, I knew you.”

“Consensus is the opposite of leadership. It’s not a states-only issue. It’s ‍a moral issue.”

Doug Burgum Advocates for​ State Autonomy

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum,‍ who signed a six-week abortion ban, defended the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which ​reserves powers ​to the states. He argued against a federal abortion ban, emphasizing⁣ the ‍importance of freedom ‌and ‍liberty for the American people.

“If we say that the Feds should be in on this one, where do we ‌stop?”

Asa Hutchinson Supports Elected Representatives’ Authority

Former Arkansas⁣ Governor Asa ‍Hutchinson‌ highlighted the Supreme Court’s decision to return the abortion ​issue‍ to elected representatives at ⁤the state and federal levels.⁤ He ⁤acknowledged the authority of both the states and the United States Congress ⁣in making decisions about abortion regulations.

“There is authority, ‍and that’s why President Biden is⁢ pushing for a Democrat proposal.”

Read More From Original Article Here: Candidates Divided on National Abortion Ban at GOP Debate

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