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California legal course encourages custody attorneys to advocate for the use of puberty blockers in children.

Custody Attorneys Urged ⁤to ⁤Advocate for ⁣Puberty Blockers‍ for Gender-Confused Adolescents

A recent legal training course⁣ sponsored by a California⁣ bar association is encouraging⁣ custody ‌attorneys to​ push ⁣parents into ⁣accepting⁤ puberty blockers⁤ for their gender-confused children. The course,⁤ titled “Gender and Transgender Issues‌ in Custody Matters,” aims to educate attorneys known as‌ minor’s counsel who handle‍ custody disputes involving transitioning⁢ children. The training, which took place in October 2022, is part of California’s legal training⁤ requirements and is available as an on-demand course.

The training session, led by ⁤Asaf⁢ Orr, the leader of⁢ the Transgender Youth Project, emphasizes the ‍importance of starting ⁢puberty blockers ⁢immediately to⁢ accurately assess the child’s mental health⁣ and functioning. According to Orr, without⁣ these blockers, the child’s well-being will deteriorate. The video recording of the training reveals ​how activists are leveraging California family ⁢law to promote gender transitions in⁢ children.

However, critics argue that the training appears⁣ more like advocacy than legal⁣ education. Dan Morenoff,⁤ the executive director of the American Civil Rights Project, questions ⁤how the presentation received bar approval as a qualifying continuing legal education activity‌ when it⁣ primarily‌ promotes a ⁣specific policy approach to a medical issue.

The ⁣training also featured‍ Superior Court judge Joni Hiramoto,​ who has presided over custody disputes involving gender-confused children. In one case, Hiramoto permanently separated a father from his minor ⁣son because⁤ the father⁣ did ​not support‍ the child’s medical ⁤transition. Hiramoto, who‌ personally ‍has a transgender child, suggests that judges should grant legal custody to parents who support the child’s transition.

Puberty⁣ blockers, although not ⁤federally‍ approved for gender transitions, are presented in ⁢the training as “fully reversible” and a “pause button” by Orr. However, ⁣concerns remain about their long-term effects on sexual development, bone ‌growth,⁣ and neurodevelopment.

This controversial ⁣legal training is not the first ⁣time ​Orr and Hiramoto have crossed paths professionally. In a previous‍ case, Hiramoto⁢ prohibited a ‌father ⁤from seeing his trans-identifying son unless ⁤in⁢ a supervised therapeutic setting. Orr, in his role as legal director ⁢for the U.C. San Francisco Child and Adolescent ​Gender Clinic,⁣ later assisted ‍the ‍son in obtaining puberty blockers and⁣ estrogen, ⁣despite the father’s objections.

Requests for ⁣comments from Orr, U.C. San Francisco’s gender clinic,⁢ and the California Civil Rights‍ Department, where Orr ⁢currently ‍works, have‌ gone ​unanswered. The Contra Costa Bar Association, which ​hosted the training, ⁤also did not respond to ​a⁢ request for comment.

It is clear that ​this legal training ⁢raises significant ethical ‌and legal questions surrounding the use of puberty blockers for gender-confused adolescents. The debate ​continues‌ as to whether these interventions ‌are in the ‍best interest of the child.

What ‌concerns does Vid ‌French, a family law attorney and president‍ of the National Association of ‌Family Courts and Professionals, have regarding the recent ⁤training course on ⁤puberty blockers for gender-confused adolescents?

Vid French,⁣ a family‌ ⁢law attorney and⁣ the president of the⁤ National Association‌ of⁣ Family ⁣Courts⁣ ​and⁠⁤ Professionals,⁡ stated that the course‌ ⁣seems to have a⁡ biased ⁢agenda rather than ⁣providing⁤ neutral⁢ ‍education for ⁣⁢attorneys. French⁠‍ ​argues that⁣⁢ the role of an attorney is ⁣to advocate​ for⁡ their​ clients’ interests,⁢ not to push ⁣a particular agenda, especially one that involves⁡ such⁢controversial⁤ medical⁢ interventions⁣ for⁢⁢ adolescents.⁢⁡

French further⁡⁢⁣ emphasizes that the⁤ use of ⁡puberty blockers‍ in⁠⁢⁠gender-confused​ children is⁤ a⁣ highly⁢‍⁠⁡⁣ contentious issue.⁤ While⁣ some⁢ medical professionals‌ believe that puberty blockers can be⁢ a ⁢temporary solution for⁢ ⁢young⁣ people struggling with ​their⁠ gender identity,⁤ others⁡ are‍concerned⁢‍ about the long-term ‍effects⁡⁡ of these⁠ interventions. Research⁤ has indicated ⁣potential⁢ side effects, such as⁢​ infertility and⁢ decreased bone density,⁢ associated ​with⁤ ⁠the use of puberty⁤ blockers.⁡⁢⁤⁣

Furthermore, ⁤the training⁡⁠‍⁤ is being⁣ criticized⁡⁢⁠⁤ ⁤for its ⁢focus⁤ on rushing ⁢gender transitions in children. Dr. Quentin Van⁣ Meter, the president⁢⁡ of the American College of Pediatricians,⁤ states that it⁤ is⁡ important⁤ to ‍⁤approach‌ gender dysphoria ​in‌ children‌ with caution and ‌provide⁤ comprehensive⁡ evaluation ⁢and⁤ ⁤treatment ‍options. ⁤Rushing ⁢into ​gender transitions​ without a thorough assessment⁡⁠⁢⁣‌ of the child’s mental health and understanding of their gender ⁢identity‍ can have serious⁢‍⁣ consequences⁢⁠⁣ for⁢ the child’s well-being in the long⁢ run.⁣

The ⁢training’s⁤ emphasis on advocating⁠⁠⁢ for puberty‌ blockers also raises⁡​ ethical concerns for⁠⁡⁢ many.⁢ Promoting a⁣ medical intervention that is still⁡⁤ subject to⁠⁠⁢ debate and lacks long-term research reflects⁡ a⁡⁣⁠⁡⁢‍⁠⁢⁤⁣ potentially dangerous⁠ approach. It⁤ is the⁣ role of medical professionals, not attorneys, to⁣ make⁣‍‍⁠⁣‍‍⁡⁠⁣⁣‍⁢‍ decisions⁡‍ about⁡⁤​ the ⁣appropriate‌ ⁢medical⁤⁢ interventions⁣⁡ for gender-confused⁢ adolescents.⁢ Custody attorneys should​ focus on​ protecting their clients’ legal rights and determining the best interests⁤ of⁠⁢⁣ the child, which may not⁢ always align with promoting⁤ puberty​ blockers.⁡⁠⁢⁢

In conclusion, the⁣ recent training course sponsored by⁢ a California bar association urging ⁣custody attorneys to advocate for puberty blockers for gender-confused adolescents raises ethical concerns. While it⁢ is ‌important⁤ to support and‍‍⁠ respect individuals struggling with their⁤ gender identity,‍ rushing into medical interventions​ without thoroughly‌ evaluating the child’s mental health⁣ and understanding of their gender identity can have long-term consequences. ‌Custody attorneys should focus on ​advocating for their clients’ interests within the boundaries⁢ of legal and ethical considerations, rather than pushing ⁣a specific agenda that involves controversial medical interventions for minors.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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