The federalist

By Accusing Pregnancy Centers Of False Advertising, Pro-Abortion Politicians Prove They Can’t Handle The Truth

Each state in the United States has a law against misleading advertising. In every state, at least one of 51 percent of the country’s counties, there is a pregnancy help center.

Yet, elected officials proclaim louder than ever the misuse of pregnancy centers “deceptive advertising practices” To “lure” Women are able to access life-saving programs. As Roe Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), introduced a federal bill titled the Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation ActThe SAD Act or the AB aimed at the advertising practices of pregnancy centers.

The Supreme Court has undergone a major overhaul. RoeThis bill suddenly seems so important.

Wrong. Maloney proposed the same bill every year over the past 20 years. 20 years of introducing an ordinal to end so-called “deceptive advertising.”

According to Law Insider, “Deceptive advertising means creating, using, or promoting the use of any advertising material, promotional literature, testimonial, guarantee, warranty, label, brand, insignia, or other representation, however disseminated or published, which is misleading, false, or untruthful.”

If all states have laws against deceptive marketing and if pregnant centers are, according to their opponents, advertising deceptively then why would another law be required? It would seem that with the 2,800+ American pregnancy centers, it would be easy to apply the existing laws to stop them. “deceptive advertising” These are the very things abortion advocates rail against. However, that has not been the case.

New laws are being proposed or passed in several pro-abortion states, including New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. New laws are necessary for many reasons.

Perhaps the only crime pregnancy centers have is to stand against Big Abortion. It is not a coincidence that organizations such the National Abortion Federation, NARAL and Planned Parenthood These bills are often supported by many. These same politicians now use their taxpayer-funded states to create new laws with vague investigative powers, often combined with enforcement mechanisms that harass caring people who simply want to help women choose a different option than abortion.

All such discussions remind us to check our information for accuracy, proper quotations and good writing. However, it should be obvious that those who seek new laws are not advocating truth or good advertising. They are actually promoting abortion ideology and protecting Big Abortion profits.

Pregnancy centers are the benchmark for genuine compassion and support for women. These services can be found and used by pregnant women. 99 percent satisfaction Ratings For the care they receive, it helps them through difficult situations and puts them on a pathway to success as parents.

To these politicians, I say: “You can’t handle the truth.” It is the scientific truth of life in the womb — the unique humanity of every child from conception — and the truth of the harmful nature of abortion that they cannot handle in good faith.

Women need something better than abortion.

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