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Buttigieg embarrassed in old video as GOP seizes on Biden mistake.

Buttigieg Humiliated in Re-Surfaced Video as Republican Pounces on Biden Gaffe

It’s glaringly obvious that President Joe Biden is unfit for office. But don’t ask me. Ask Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

In an exchange that’s going viral again a year after it happened, Buttigieg was grilled by Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas about comments the Transportation secretary made in 2019 when he was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Nehls began the line of questioning in the July 2022 hearing by asking Buttigieg to describe America in one word.

“Well, for me, I guess ‘home,’” a smiling Buttigieg said.

“‘Home.’ Fair enough, fair enough,” Nehls said.

He then shifted gears: “Just a few weeks ago, this is how President Biden described America in one word.” He then had an aide hold up a placard of Biden’s remarks, which were, as usual, only semi-coherent at best.

“America is a nation that can be summed up in a single word: Awdsmafa– foothimaaaa– footafootwha– excuse me. The foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping.”

He then noted that Buttigieg had, once upon a time, said former President Donald Trump’s mental state was worrisome.

“You yourself questioned Donald Trump’s mental state of mind in September of 2019 when you stated to CNN I quote, ‘If our presidency is not in good shape, then our country is not in good shape,’” Nehls said.

“And, Mr. Secretary, I could not agree with you more,” Nehls continued.

“Inflation is at 9.1 percent, gas prices are through the roof, our adversaries are exploiting our weaknesses across the globe, and our southern border is non-existent. This administration puts the American people last.”

He then questioned whether Buttigieg had talked with any other members of the cabinet about implementing the 25th Amendment to remove Biden — something that was oft talked about during the Trump years by the same people who swear up and down that Biden is fit for his job.

Buttigieg didn’t answer the question. Nehls summed the situation up thusly:

Should Biden be impeached?

“Sadly, he [Biden] shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people, he falls off bicycles, even at the White House Easter Celebration, the Easter Bunny had to guide him back into his safe place,” said Nehls.

“Cue cards say, ‘sit here’ or ‘end of speech,’ which he actually states, that is, if he stays awake.”

Last week, the popular Instagram account @mindsetoftherich shared the video and asked users to comment. It’s gotten almost a million “likes” as of Monday morning.


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Perhaps the mood was best summed up by this Instagram commenter: “You voted for this man just cuz you hated Trump for no reason. Remember that.”

“All the people who hated trump are just the easily led, gullible, simple minded that can’t think for themselves living in the state and corporate propaganda media bubble. It truly is astonishing people watch the ‘news’ still,” another added.

In the year since this confrontation, the gaffes have kept on coming and the president looks weaker than ever. But still, the same Democrats keep propping an obviously deteriorating president.

And to think, for four years, they all crowed about using the 25th Amendment to get rid of Donald Trump because they thought he wasn’t in compos mentis. Unfortunately for the country, the current president has given ample evidence they weren’t really concerned with the American people at all.

They were just concerned their man wasn’t in the White House.

The post Buttigieg Humiliated in Re-Surfaced Video as Republican Pounces on Biden Gaffe appeared first on The Western Journal.

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