Conservative News Daily

Burger King Launches Attractive $5 Value Meal, Battling McDonald’s for Customer Loyalty

Fast-food chains, after pricing their offerings beyond the reach of many customers, are now vying for buyers with enticing value meals. McDonald’s, in an ⁢effort to retain⁤ its customers, announced a limited $5 value meal promo, soon after which ‍Burger King declared its intention to compete with its⁣ own‍ value⁤ deal. This “Your Way Meal” would​ also be worth $5 and offers a variety of choices ​to consumers. The increasing costs of fast ‌food have led 78% of respondents⁣ in a‌ Lending Tree survey,⁣ of a sample size of 2000 people, to regard it as a luxury. Rising prices, attributed to the mounting‍ costs of wages and food⁣ production, have particularly stung low-income customers. Amid this, the average American family is reported to be paying $1,069 more per month for the same goods​ and services than three years prior, underlining the impact of inflation.


By Jack Davis May 26, 2024 at 7:25am

Having priced themselves beyond the reach of many consumers, fast-food chains are now hoping to dazzle consumers with value meals.

Days after McDonald’s — struggling to keep its customers — said it would have a limited $5 value meal promotion that would kick off in late June at select outlets, Burger King announced it would duel with its rival by speeding up its own value-purchase plans, according to Fox Business.

“Burger King is accelerating its value offers after three quarters of leading the industry in value traffic. We are bringing back our $5 Your Way Meal as agreed upon with our franchisees back in April,” the chain said in a statement, according to USA Today.

“78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a ‘luxury’ purchase due to how expensive the meals have become.”

It’s a Bidenomics miracle.

— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) May 25, 2024

The $5 Your Way Meal allows customers to choose from among three sandwiches in addition to chicken nuggets, fries and a drink.

“Regardless of [McDonald’s] plans, we are moving full speed ahead with our own plans to launch our own $5 value meal before they do − and run it for several months,” an internal memo from President Tom Curtis said, according to a report Thursday in Bloomberg.

Burger King has since confirmed the memo is accurate, USA Today reported.

Neither Bloomberg nor USA Today provided a start date for the Burger King promotion, but Bloomberg reported the deal will be available before the planned June 25 start date for the McDonald’s $5 promotion and last for several months.

Wendy’s has its sights on the breakfast market with its $3 combo meal, which includes an egg sandwich and potatoes.

Luring consumers has become necessary after price hikes sent inflation-battered buyers seeking other options.

A non-scientific survey by Lending Tree found that 78 percent of the 2,000 people responding said they regard fast food as a “luxury.” The survey said 62 percent of those responding said they are cutting back on fast food purchases.

In a commentary piece, Thursday, Dan O’Donnell, a talk-show host and columnist at the conservative MacIver Institute in Madison, Wisconsin, wrote that prices on items such as Big Macs have risen more than 200 percent in less than five years.

“This is not, as the White House has repeatedly insisted, the result of price gouging, but rather the shockingly high cost of wages and food production for restaurants like McDonald’s and Taco Bell,” he wrote.

O’Donnell noted that low-income fast-food customers are hit particularly hard by the increases, which come on topof hikes in the costs of other food, energy and rent.

Fast food price increases since Joe Biden came into office. It isn’t your imagination, fast food is insanely more expensive than it used to be. This is Bidenomics.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) May 21, 2024

“All told, the average American family is paying $1,069 more per month for the same goods and services it was just three years ago. That’s $246.69 every week or $35.24 every single day, and it represents the most insidious form of taxation in existence because of how regressive it is,” he wrote.

After noting that few Americans believe they can afford to retire, O’Donnell added, “Really, though, how could they even be thinking that far in advance when affording dinner for their kids has become such an ordeal?”

“When even fast food is slipping out of reach, it’s clear that America’s inflation problem is now a full-blown crisis,” he wrote.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.

Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at [email protected].


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