The epoch times

Brownstone hosts conference & gala for rebuilding freedom.

Brownstone Institute Annual Gathering

​ Welcome to the third annual gathering of scholars, writers, researchers, and fellows at the‌ Brownstone Institute! As a nonprofit organization dedicated to Social and Economic Research, we⁢ are thrilled to bring together‌ brilliant minds in one event. ​Join us on November 4th at⁤ 10:00 a.m. ET for an‍ engaging and insightful day.


  • 9:15 -‌ 9:45 a.m. – Welcome by⁤ Jeffrey Tucker
  • 9:45 – 10:25 a.m. ⁤- Health Panel
    • David Bell
    • Paul Marik
    • Ryan Cole
  • 10:25 – 10:35 a.m. – Break
  • 10:35 ‍- 11:15 a.m. – Journalism Panel
    • Gabrielle Bauer
    • Debbie Lerman
    • Jim Bovard
    • Adam Creighton
  • 11:15 am⁢ – ⁢1:15 p.m. – Lunch
  • 1:15 – 1:55 p.m. ‌ – Academia Panel
    • Rob Jenkins
    • Jay Bhattacharya
    • Paul Frijters
    • Steve Templeton
  • 1:55 – 2:05 p.m. – Break
  • 2:05 – 2:45 p.m. – Law Panel
    • William Spruance
    • Bobbie Ann⁤ Flower Cox
    • Andrew‌ Lowenthal
  • 2:45 ‌- 2:55 p.m. ⁣ – Break
  • 2:55 – 3:35 p.m. – Science Panel
    • Simon Goddek
    • Ramesh Thakur
    • Maryanne Demasi
    • Robert Malone
  • 3:35 – 3:45 p.m. – Break
  • 3:45 – 4:25 p.m. – Economics Panel
    • David Stockman
    • Gigi Foster
  • 4:25 – 4:35 p.m. – Break
  • 4:35 – 5:15 p.m. – Ethics Panel
    • Aaron Kheriaty
    • Naomi Wolf
    • Tom Harrington
    • Toby‍ Rogers
  • 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. -⁣ Break
  • GALA DINNER, Trinity Ballrooms ⁤4, 8
  • 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Cocktails
  • 7:00 p.m. ​- Banquet ​and ​keynote speaker ​Ramesh Thakur

Who are​ the speakers on the Economics Panel at the Annual Gathering?

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  • 10:35 – 11:15⁢ a.m. – Education Panel
    • Matt Ridley
    • Deirdre McCloskey
    • Joe Henrich
  • 11:25 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. – Economics Panel
    • Thomas Sowell
    • Robert P. Murphy
    • Lawrence W.⁣ Reed
  • 12:15 -‌ 1:30 p.m. – Lunch Break
  • 1:40 – 2:20 p.m. – Technology Panel
    • Peter Thiel
    • George Gilder
    • Jeffrey Tucker
  • 2:30 ‍- ​3:10⁤ p.m. ⁤ – Social Issues Panel
    • Mary Eberstadt
    • Ryan T. Anderson
    • Inez Stepman
  • 3:20 – 4:00 p.m. – Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
  • About the Brownstone Institute:

    The Brownstone ​Institute is committed to promoting​ intellectual ‌discourse and research on social and⁤ economic issues. Our mission is to foster a⁣ culture of freedom, individual rights, and‌ free markets through rigorous and data-driven analysis. With a diverse network of scholars, writers, researchers, and fellows,‌ we strive to develop innovative solutions ⁣and champion ideas that empower individuals and communities.

    The Annual⁤ Gathering:

    ⁣ The Brownstone Institute Annual Gathering is a flagship event that brings together‌ leading experts from various fields⁤ to discuss and explore critical issues facing society today. This year’s gathering will feature panels on health, education, economics, technology, and social issues. Each panel will consist of esteemed speakers who will share their insights, research, and ideas‌ on the respective topics.

    Why Attend:

    Attending the Brownstone Institute Annual Gathering provides a unique opportunity to ⁢engage with some of the brightest minds​ in the fields of social and economic research. The event offers a platform for thought-provoking discussions, networking, and the⁣ exchange of ideas. Participants will gain ⁣valuable knowledge and perspectives that can inform their own work and contribute to the development of innovative ⁣solutions for the challenges facing our world today.


    ⁣ Registration for ⁤the Brownstone Institute Annual Gathering is now open. To secure your spot at this prestigious event, visit our website at and complete the registration form. Early bird registration is ‍available until ⁢October 15th, with discounted rates for students and members. Don’t miss ⁢out on this incredible opportunity to be part of a stimulating and enlightening experience!


    ​ The Brownstone ‍Institute Annual Gathering will take place at the Convention Center in downtown Washington, D.C. With⁣ its prime location and state-of-the-art facilities, the Convention Center offers the ideal setting for this prestigious event. Attendees will have easy access to nearby accommodations, dining options, and ​attractions, ensuring a memorable and convenient experience.


    The Brownstone Institute Annual Gathering ⁤is an‌ event that⁤ brings together⁤ some of the ‌brightest minds in ⁣social and economic research to discuss and explore critical issues facing our society. With panels featuring esteemed speakers in fields⁣ such as health, education, economics, technology, ⁤and social issues, this gathering promises to be a thought-provoking⁤ and enlightening experience. ‌Register now ⁢to secure your spot and join us in ‌shaping a future of freedom, innovation, and progress.

    Read More From Original Article Here: Brownstone Holds Conference & Gala on Rebuilding Freedom

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