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Brit Awards’ Nominees For ‘Artist Of The Year’ Are All Men After Ditching Gendered Categories

You have made the decision to get rid of your car. gendered categories in an effort to be more inclusive, The Brit Awards are facing scrutiny now that this year’s nominees for “Artist of the Year” don’t include any women.

The annual showcase of British The new policy was first introduced to musical artists last year. They replaced “Best Male” and Best Female” solo artist categories with the gender-neutral “Artist of the Year” To be more inclusive.

A Statement The change stated that this was to be awarded. “artists solely for their music and work, rather than how they choose to identify or as others may see them.”

But now for 2023, there aren’t any women on the list of contenders. Central Cee and Fred Again are among the Artist of Year nominees. Harry Styles and Stormzy are also on the list.

This caused a lot of negative online reactions.

“So the Brits introduced an Artist of the Year category as a gender-neutral replacement for Best Male and Best Female Artist category – but this year all five nominees are blokes,” musician Tim Burgess Share Tweet. “One step forward, three steps back.”

“In an astonishing turn of events, ‘gender neutral’ Brit awards have an all male nomination list for best artist of the year,” Another user Write. “Who could have expected this outcome from the deeply misogynist music industry embracing deeply misogynist gender identity theory?”

Music is not something women are known to enjoy.”>

— Ben Smoke (@bencsmoke) January 12, 2023

Brits spokesperson replied to the criticism with an apology Statement Sharing with HuffPost U.K. 

“Last year’s introduction of new categories aimed at making the awards even more inclusive, recognizing exceptional work rather than how artists identify,” According to the statement, Adele won the award last season when the gender neutral categories were first introduced.

The message continued with the statement that “while” “it’s disappointing there are no nominations in the Artist of the Year category, we also have to recognize that 2022 saw fewer high profile women artists in cycle with major releases as was the case in 2021.”

Last year’s Brit Awards caused controversy of their own as Adele’s acceptance speech celebrated her womanhood, leading some gender theory activists to accuse her of transphobia.

“I understand why the name of this award has changed but I really love being a woman and being a female artist. I do!” Adele Telled After being named Artist of The Year in 2022, there was a huge cheering crowd. “I’m really proud of us, I really, really am.”

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