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FBI questioned Priest, Choir Director in investigation of Traditional Catholics, per House Report

Federal Agents ‍Investigate⁣ Radical-Traditional Catholics as Potential Domestic Terrorists

Federal agents have recently interviewed a priest and a choir‌ director as part of an investigation into a group known as Radical-Traditional‍ Catholics. This investigation, conducted by the House Weaponization Committee, aims to ⁢determine if these individuals pose a threat ‍as ⁣potential domestic terrorists.

The House Judiciary Committee⁣ and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal⁢ Government initiated‌ this investigation after⁢ a former FBI agent named Kyle Seraphin leaked‌ an internal memo from ‍the bureau’s Richmond Field⁤ Office. The​ memo portrayed certain “radical-traditionalist Catholics”⁢ as violent⁤ extremists and ‍suggested infiltrating Catholic churches as a means of ​mitigating ⁣this perceived threat.

In response to these revelations, the committee expressed‍ concern⁣ over the violation of Americans’ civil ‍liberties and constitutional rights by an overzealous law enforcement agency. ⁤Whistleblower disclosures in the​ report revealed that the FBI interviewed a priest and choir ⁢director from The Society of Saint ⁢Pius‍ (SSPX), an international priestly society associated with a Catholic ‍church in⁤ Richmond, Virginia.

The report ⁢further highlighted ‌that the FBI’s interview with the clergy was used to gather information on parishioners under investigation, ⁣which lawmakers argue infringes upon the religious liberties of millions of Catholic Americans. Although⁤ the contents of these interviews remain undisclosed, the committee noted that they ⁤took place around the same time the memo was being⁢ drafted.

Additionally, the‍ report claimed that the FBI relied ⁤on an undercover⁢ agent and sought to establish ⁢sources within the‌ Catholic clergy and church leadership. The memo’s foundation was based on a ‍single investigation ‍into the Richmond Field Office’s jurisdiction, which​ involved an individual who identified as a “radical-traditionalist Catholic.”

Lawmakers discovered ⁤that ⁢FBI employees involved in​ preparing, editing, or reviewing the memo were unable to​ define the term “Radical-Traditional Catholic.”‍ The concept was‌ sourced from left-wing publications ​such as‍ the Southern Poverty Law Center, Salon, and⁣ The Atlantic.

According to the ⁢committee’s report, the FBI’s Richmond Special Agent in Charge, Stanley ‌Meador, confirmed that​ the ‌analysts who co-authored ⁢the memo had been with the bureau for approximately‌ 20 years. The report concluded that⁢ the ‌FBI had misused ⁢its counterterrorism⁣ tools to​ target⁢ Catholic Americans ⁢as potential ⁢domestic terrorists.

Following the leak of the⁢ memo, ⁤the FBI swiftly went into damage⁤ control mode and‌ removed ⁢the anti-Catholic document from its ⁢system. ​The bureau stated that⁢ it would never⁣ initiate investigations⁤ solely based on First Amendment protected activity.

However, the committee argued that the FBI’s agency-wide memo contradicted this claim and found no legitimate basis for federal⁣ law‍ enforcement to involve itself in Catholic places⁤ of worship.

What steps can the House Weaponization Committee take to investigate the extent of the‍ threat posed by Radical-Traditional Catholics‌ without infringing on the rights of American citizens?

Peter and Paul, a traditionalist Catholic ⁢group, based‍ on their alleged association with Radical-Traditional Catholics. The committee viewed this as a potential​ violation of religious freedom and an infringement on the rights of American⁣ citizens.

The House Weaponization Committee aims ​to investigate the ⁢extent‌ to which Radical-Traditional Catholics pose a threat⁢ as potential domestic terrorists. This term, coined​ by the leaked memo, refers​ to⁢ Catholics who hold strong ⁢traditionalist views and ​may harbor extremist ideologies. While the committee understands the importance of ensuring national⁤ security,​ it also recognizes ​the need to protect ‌individual rights and ⁢civil liberties.

Radical-Traditional Catholics are not⁣ a monolithic ​group, and it is important to make‌ that distinction. Many Catholics follow traditional practices and beliefs‌ without advocating or engaging in violence. It is crucial to avoid painting an‍ entire community with a broad ⁤brush based ⁢on the actions of a ​few⁣ individuals.

This⁢ investigation raises questions about the role of⁤ law enforcement agencies and their methods of assessing potential threats. While the protection of national security is paramount, it is equally ​important to ensure that the rights of individuals ‍and communities are not unjustly violated. The House⁤ Judiciary ​Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of⁤ the ‌Federal ‌Government have a responsibility to examine ⁣the actions ⁣of the FBI and any potential ​overreach on their part.

Religious freedom ⁢and ⁣the⁤ right to​ practice one’s faith‍ without fear of unwarranted scrutiny should ​be protected. The potential infiltration of Catholic ​churches, as suggested in the leaked memo, is concerning and may lead to a ‍breach of trust ⁤within religious communities. It ‌is vital for‍ law‌ enforcement agencies to approach investigations⁢ of any ⁤religious group with caution and sensitivity, ensuring ⁣that⁣ the rights of individuals are safeguarded throughout the process.

It ‌is important to strike a​ balance between national⁢ security and the ​protection ⁤of individual rights. While it is necessary to⁢ investigate potential threats, it is equally crucial ‍to ⁤respect⁤ the rights and freedoms of all citizens,‍ regardless of⁢ their religious beliefs. In this case, it is imperative that​ the House Weaponization ⁣Committee conducts a ⁤thorough and fair⁤ investigation, ensuring that any potential violations of civil liberties are addressed and rectified.

In⁢ conclusion, the investigation into Radical-Traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists raises significant concerns regarding the⁢ balance between⁤ national security and individual rights. The leaked ‍memo and​ subsequent actions by law enforcement agencies have sparked a necessary⁢ conversation about ⁣the methods⁢ used to assess potential ⁢threats and the potential violations of civil liberties. It is crucial‌ for the⁤ House Weaponization Committee to address these concerns and ensure that a fair‌ and just investigation⁤ is conducted, ⁣ultimately protecting the rights and freedoms of all American citizens.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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