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Boebert backs Jordan as Speaker, opposes motion to vacate.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Supports Removing Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) expressed her willingness to eliminate the mechanism that‌ led to the removal⁤ of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)⁣ as House speaker, but with one condition.

In ‌a tweet on Thursday, Boebert stated ⁢that she is “willing to ditch” the “motion to vacate” with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in that position.

“The⁤ House has a lot of work ahead, let’s get this over with and take our country back!” she added.

The “motion to vacate the chair”⁢ is a rarely used parliamentary tool ​in‌ the United States.

After ⁣raising the threshold for bringing a motion to vacate to the House floor‌ in 2019, the House rules package for this session of Congress restored the ability of ‌a single member to trigger the process.

Recently, ⁢Rep.​ Matt Gaetz (R-FL) filed a “motion to vacate the chair” after McCarthy was ousted as speaker.

House‍ Majority Leader⁤ Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Jordan have announced their candidacies‍ for the speakership on the GOP side.

A simple majority is​ needed to secure victory in a chamber-wide vote.

At least one other House Republican has expressed the need for reforming the motion to vacate before supporting any candidate.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has also advised the next speaker to do away⁢ with the “motion to vacate.”

“It makes ‌the speaker’s job impossible, and the American people expect us to⁤ have a functioning government,” McConnell said.

What ​are ⁢some of the concerns expressed by Boebert regarding McCarthy’s leadership?

Rule, which allows ⁣for the ⁤removal of the House speaker, if the Republican Party can present a viable alternative to McCarthy.

Boebert’s statement came‍ in response ​to growing frustration among some conservatives with McCarthy’s leadership. Many Republicans feel that McCarthy ⁢has not done enough to combat the Biden administration’s policies and‍ uphold conservative principles.

In her tweet, Boebert expressed her concerns with McCarthy’s leadership and stated that she⁣ is willing to support the removal​ of the motion to vacate rule. However, she ⁣made ‌it clear that this is contingent on ⁤the Republican Party⁣ putting forth ‌a ‍viable alternative​ to McCarthy.

This move by Boebert reflects‌ a growing divide within⁢ the Republican Party between more establishment members, like‍ McCarthy, and more conservative members, like Boebert. It highlights ‌the tension between those who ⁢believe in compromise and working ⁤within the system, and those who prefer a more confrontational and uncompromising approach.

The ⁢motion to vacate rule has ‌rarely been ‌used in the past, but​ it allows for the removal of ‌the⁤ House speaker if​ a majority of the House supports it. This rule has been seen⁢ as a way for ​members⁤ of ⁢the same party to hold ⁤their⁢ leader⁤ accountable if ⁢they feel that ‌they are not effectively representing their interests.

Boebert’s support for removing McCarthy as‍ House speaker is a ‍bold statement, as it represents a break from the party’s leadership. However, she is not alone ‌in ⁢her concerns. Many conservatives have been vocal about their⁢ frustrations with the direction⁣ of⁢ the party ⁤and‍ believe that significant changes are needed in order to ‍regain​ their support.

It remains to be‌ seen whether Boebert’s​ condition will be met and if McCarthy will be removed as‍ House speaker. The Republican Party will need to‌ find a viable alternative and ‌rally enough support within the party to make this​ happen.

The divisions ⁤within the Republican Party⁢ are not new, and ​they have been on display in recent months. The party‌ has faced challenges in ‍presenting a ‍unified front on issues such as voting rights, ⁣infrastructure, ⁢and immigration. These internal tensions have​ also ⁣been highlighted​ by the presence⁤ of members​ like Boebert, who⁣ are ‌unafraid to challenge the ⁢party’s status quo.

As the​ Republican Party continues to navigate these⁣ challenges, it ​will be interesting to see ​how they address ⁣the concerns raised by Boebert‍ and others. The ⁤party’s ability to find common ground and present ​a united front will be crucial in determining their​ success⁣ in​ upcoming elections and in shaping the ‍future of the conservative movement.

In the meantime, Boebert’s ⁣willingness⁣ to support the removal of the motion to vacate‍ rule reflects the growing discontent among conservatives in the⁤ Republican Party. It remains to be seen⁤ how this⁢ will ultimately play out, but it is⁤ clear that significant changes are⁢ on the horizon ⁣for the party’s leadership.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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