the epoch times

Bill Clinton parts ways with Democrats, compromises on illegal immigrant surge.

Former President Bill ‌Clinton Calls for Change to New York’s​ “Right to ⁤Shelter”‍ Law Amidst Migrant Crisis

Former President⁢ Bill⁤ Clinton has acknowledged the need for ‌reform in New York’s “right to shelter” law, ‌as concerns ⁤grow over the influx of‌ illegal immigrants arriving in⁢ New York City in ‌recent ‌months. ⁤In a recent interview on WABC radio’s Cats Roundtable show, Clinton ⁤expressed his frustration with the current system, stating, “It’s ‍broken. We ⁤need to fix it … it doesn’t ⁤make ⁣any sense.”

Clinton⁤ emphasized the importance of immigrants ⁣finding employment ​and contributing to society, ‌rather​ than relying on welfare. He argued that they should be given⁣ the opportunity to work, pay taxes, ‍and support themselves. According to Clinton, most of these individuals have no​ interest in ⁤being on welfare.

While Clinton did not directly ⁢address the recent surge of ⁣illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.–Mexico border, he acknowledged that President ‍Joe Biden and⁣ Democrats will face ⁢political consequences due to ⁣the increase in ⁤illegal aliens in New ⁢York City. He stated, ⁢”The Democrats lost enough seats in⁢ New York because of reaction to the crime problem​ here and the sense​ that—we didn’t ⁤have—we my ⁣party—didn’t have a good common-sense approach to it.”

Clinton proposed a solution to the immigration issue, suggesting that the United States‌ should‌ invest ⁢in building more housing ​near the ‌border and allowing immigrants to enter ⁢quickly if⁣ they have job opportunities and will contribute positively⁤ to the economy. He argued that mass immigration is necessary to counter the country’s negative birth rate.

Interestingly, Clinton’s⁣ proposal ⁢bears resemblance to former President Donald Trump’s “remain‍ in ‍Mexico” policy, which required some asylum-seekers ⁣to‌ wait in Mexico for immigration proceedings. This policy was terminated by President ⁢Biden in 2022.

Illegal immigrants climb a section of the U.S.–Mexico border fence in⁢ Tijuana, Mexico, on April 29, 2018. (David ‍McNew/Getty Images)

More‍ than 110,000 ⁤illegal immigrants have entered New York City since April 2022, causing concerns among city and state officials. Governor⁣ Kathy Hochul expressed ⁢her belief that the “right ⁢to ​shelter” law should only ​apply‍ to homeless individuals already living in ‌the‌ city, not illegal aliens. She ​also criticized the ‍current border policies, ⁢stating that they are‍ too open and allowing ‌people ⁢from ⁤all over the world ⁣to enter.

Republicans have accused Hochul and other Democrats of reacting to negative ⁢poll numbers rather than addressing the border​ crisis effectively. House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik commented, “Kathy Hochul sees ​the same polling‌ that we are looking at, ​and she and New​ York Democrats are in free fall.”

Meanwhile, Clinton’s remarks sparked a‌ response from Elon Musk, who took to ⁤social media to express his opinion on the⁣ border crisis. Musk, the owner of X and Tesla, recently visited ⁢Texas near the border and livestreamed ​his trip. He stated, “We actually do need​ a wall ⁣and we ‍need to require people ​to ⁣have some​ shred of evidence to​ claim‌ asylum to enter, as everyone ⁢is⁤ doing that.”

As the debate over immigration continues, it is clear that both sides recognize the need for reform. Finding ‌a⁤ solution that⁣ balances compassion with practicality remains a challenge for policymakers.

How does Clinton’s stance on immigration, including his emphasis on immigrants finding employment, align with ‍his call for reforming​ the “right to shelter” law

Ry ‌for economic growth, but it should be done in‌ a controlled‌ and efficient ⁣manner.

The ‌”right to shelter” law in New York City guarantees that anyone who is homeless and eligible for public assistance has the right to be provided⁤ with shelter. However, with ⁢the recent influx of ⁣illegal immigrants, this law has become‍ a point of contention. Critics argue that it is being taken advantage of ⁤by⁣ those who‍ are not eligible ⁣for⁣ public assistance, including undocumented immigrants.

Clinton’s call for change to the “right to shelter” law is significant, coming from a ⁢former president who is known for his stance on⁤ immigration. He​ is not advocating for a⁢ complete elimination of the law, but rather for​ it to be reformed to ensure that ‍only⁣ those⁢ who are eligible for public assistance benefit from ‍it.

One ⁢of the key aspects of Clinton’s‌ proposal is ​the⁤ emphasis on immigrants finding employment ⁣and ‍contributing to society. He believes‍ that giving them the opportunity to work ‌and support ⁣themselves will not only alleviate the burden on the welfare ⁣system but ​also allow them to integrate‍ into⁣ society and become ⁤productive members.

Clinton’s stance on immigration ‌is ⁣not surprising, as ‍he has long been ⁣an ⁣advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. During his presidency, he pushed ​for legislation that⁣ would provide a ⁢pathway to citizenship for undocumented ⁣immigrants and ‍strengthen border security. His recent comments about⁤ the need for ‌change in the “right to shelter” law align with ⁣his broader views on immigration.

It is⁤ important to note that Clinton’s⁤ call for reform does not imply ‌a lack ⁤of compassion for those ‌in need. On the contrary, he recognizes⁤ the importance of‌ providing shelter to‌ the homeless ⁣population, but wants to⁢ ensure that⁤ it is done in a fair and responsible manner.

The migrant crisis at the U.S.–Mexico border has put a spotlight on ‌the need for immigration policy reform. It​ has highlighted the challenges that arise when there is an influx of⁢ illegal immigrants and the strain ‌it​ puts on local communities. Clinton’s call for ‍change to ⁣the “right to shelter” law in New ⁤York is a step towards ⁣addressing these‍ challenges and⁢ finding‍ a balanced solution.

In conclusion, former President Bill Clinton’s call for change to New ‌York’s “right to shelter” law amidst the migrant crisis reflects his ⁢recognition ‍of⁤ the need for ‌reform. He emphasizes ​the importance of immigrants finding ‌employment ‍and contributing to society, rather than relying on welfare. While ⁢his proposal does not ‍seek to eliminate the law entirely, it aims to ensure ‍that it is reformed to prevent abuse and serve those⁣ who are truly ​in⁢ need. Clinton’s stance on immigration⁤ aligns with his broader ‍views​ on comprehensive immigration reform and‍ highlights the need for a balanced and responsible⁢ approach ‍to immigration policy.

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