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Largest Tesla EV Charging Station in US Fueled by Diesel Plant: Energy Pro

Tesla’s largest EV Supercharger station in the United ​States is powered by‌ diesel, according‍ to energy expert David Blackmon. He revealed that similar diesel-powered stations exist elsewhere ​as well.

Unveiling the Truth Behind Tesla’s Charging Stations

In an interview with EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program, David Blackmon, an ‌energy-related ⁢public policy analyst, confirmed that Tesla’s ⁤Harris Ranch EV charging station in Coalinga, California runs on diesel power.⁢ He referred to an exposé by the San Francisco Chronicle, which discovered that the charging station, equipped with 98 high-speed Tesla chargers, relies on ‍a diesel-generating plant ‍located behind the adjacent Shell station.

“People‍ think, I guess they think the power comes from just the sky or something. But something has to generate the electricity​ that enables those chargers to⁤ recharge those batteries. And​ Tesla operates ⁤this‍ charging station and decided they needed that diesel generating⁤ plant, and they strategically ‍located it‌ behind the Shell station,”

Blackmon, who spent 40 years‌ in the oil and gas industry and is a senior contributor to Forbes magazine, emphasized that the EV industry is facing significant challenges in terms of infrastructure to ​support‌ electric vehicles.

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Blackmon further revealed that diesel-powered EV stations‌ are not uncommon. He personally encountered one at a supermarket in Houston several years ago, where a diesel⁤ generator provided power to the charger whenever a car needed to recharge.

Tesla’s Harris Ranch Supercharger station, described‌ as ⁢the world’s largest, is one of​ the company’s initial stations. However, despite Tesla’s claim that all Superchargers would be powered by renewable​ energy by the end of‌ 2021, the Harris Ranch station continues to rely on diesel.

Addressing concerns about the power grid’s ability⁣ to handle the increasing demand from EVs, Blackmon highlighted the current crisis in the supply of electric transformers. He explained that transformers are essential for expanding the grid, but sourcing new supplies takes up to four years, and inventories are extremely low. The federal government ⁤has⁤ yet to address this⁤ problem.

According to a⁣ report by IEEE Spectrum, the transformer crisis poses a significant challenge to the U.S. power grid’s transition to EVs. Multiple L2 chargers connected to a ‍single distribution‍ transformer can drastically reduce its lifespan. Upgrading transformers and power⁢ poles to support EVs would incur substantial costs for electric ⁣utilities.

While some experts suggest encouraging off-peak charging to ⁤minimize ‍the⁤ strain on transformers, this ‍approach may not fully ‌resolve the​ issue once EVs become more widespread. The risk of transformer failure due ⁣to uncoordinated overnight charging is a⁤ concern, particularly ‌during⁣ heat waves.

Utility firms ‍are also facing high costs to⁤ accommodate the growing number of EVs. Upgrades to the ⁤local grid ⁢and the replacement of fossil fuel energy with ⁣renewable sources are estimated to require over $1 trillion by 2035. Additionally, improvements to power-generation units, transmission‍ lines, and substations to support renewable energy and battery storage are projected to cost more than $2.5 trillion by 2035.

Blackmon also highlighted the vulnerability of EV charging during disasters like hurricanes, where power supply disruptions can last for months.‌ The‍ transformer shortage ‌exacerbates the challenge ‍of restoring power in affected ⁣areas.

How ⁤does the power source of electric vehicle charging stations ⁣challenge ⁣the perception that EVs are emission-free?

Known for being the largest EV Supercharger station in ⁤the United States, has been a topic of discussion in recent times. Energy expert ‍David⁣ Blackmon has shed light on the station’s power source, revealing that ⁢it actually runs ⁤on diesel.

This revelation came during an interview with EpochTV’s⁤ “Crossroads” program. Blackmon, a renowned energy-related public policy analyst, referred to an exposé⁣ by ‍the⁢ San Francisco Chronicle which exposed the truth behind‌ the charging station. It ‍was discovered that the Harris ⁤Ranch EV charging⁣ station ⁢in Coalinga, California, equipped with 98​ high-speed Tesla ⁢chargers, relies on a diesel-generating ​plant located behind⁣ the adjacent Shell station.

Blackmon emphasized that many people have⁤ misconceptions about the power source of electric vehicle charging ⁤stations. He stated, “People​ think, I guess⁢ they think the​ power ‍comes from just the sky or something. But‌ something has to generate the electricity that enables those⁤ chargers to recharge those batteries. And Tesla operates ⁣this charging station and decided they needed that diesel generating plant, and they strategically located it behind‍ the Shell station.”

Blackmon’s extensive ⁢experience of 40 years⁣ in the oil and gas‍ industry, along with his role ⁣as ‌a senior contributor to Forbes magazine, adds⁢ credibility to his ‍statements. He believes that the EV industry is facing significant challenges ⁤in terms of infrastructure to⁢ support electric vehicles.

Interestingly, Blackmon ⁢revealed that diesel-powered EV stations⁤ are not ​unique to ‌Tesla’s Harris Ranch Supercharger station. He disclosed an encounter with a similar setup​ at a supermarket in Houston several years ago, where a diesel generator provided​ power to ​the charger whenever a car ‍needed to recharge.

This information raises questions about sustainability and the​ true environmental impact of electric vehicles. ⁣It challenges the perception that EVs are ‍completely emission-free ​when their charging stations rely on non-renewable energy sources.

In conclusion, David⁤ Blackmon’s revelations about‌ Tesla’s largest EV Supercharger‍ station ⁣being ⁣powered by diesel have brought attention to the challenges faced⁢ by the EV industry in terms of infrastructure. It highlights the need for sustainable solutions and raises important questions regarding the true environmental impact ⁢of electric vehicles.

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