Conservative News Daily

Biden’s plan to cancel student debt costs taxpayers over $550 billion and mainly benefits wealthier families

The ‍summary highlights the escalating cost of President Joe Biden’s student debt‍ forgiveness plan, ​exceeding $550 billion. It notes that the initiative primarily benefits wealthier families rather than‌ those in greater financial need. The story was featured on The ‌Western Journal’s‍ website.⁤ The summary underscores the ​rising cost of President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan, surpassing $550 billion. It points out that the‌ program mainly advantages wealthier families⁤ over those with greater financial need. This coverage was showcased on The Western Journal’s website.

The price tag of President Joe Biden’s student loan amnesty just keeps growing — and it’s not the neediest who are getting the money, either. According to the New York […]

The post Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation Has Taxpayers Paying Over $550 Billion, Benefits Wealthier Families appeared first on The Western Journal.

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