
Biden’s niece, a former U.S. Treasury employee, advised Hunter on Chinese wealth fund during Obama-Biden admin.

(Photo by RYAN COLLERD/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
5:22 PM – Monday, September 11, 2023

While she worked in the Treasury Department during the Obama-Biden ⁢Administration, President Biden’s niece, Casey ​Owens, reportedly⁤ sent information on ⁢China Investment Corporation (CIC),⁣ China’s largest sovereign wealth ⁣fund, to Hunter Biden and the other⁢ president of his firm through email.


When Owens spoke with Hunter and his longtime business partner, Eric⁣ Schwerin, about the CIC, a state-owned organization that oversees a portion of the Chinese government’s foreign exchange reserves, ​she was working as a special assistant for the United States-China Strategic⁤ and Economic Dialogue at the Treasury Department.

At the time, Schwerin was president of Hunter’s now-defunct Rosemont Seneca Advisors, which was wooing the CIC for new investments.

Several weeks prior, on April 12th, 2010, Owens sent Hunter and Schwerin an email with the itinerary of a CIC investment conference.

“FYI on recent⁢ CIC investment conference at ​a resort in Sanya, on Hainan Island, over the weekend of March 27-28,” Owens wrote.

According to the Republican Senate report published in ​September 2020, a Thornton Group press release dated that same ​day,⁣ April 12th, stated that the company’s chairman, James Bulger, and Hunter visited Beijing just three days prior ​and met with CIC Chief Investment Officer Gao Xiqing, among others.

A piece on Owens, written by the Tower Hill ‌Bulletin and published months later, stated that she and⁤ her team visited ‌Beijing in May 2010 as part of a group led by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

The post included a picture of Owens getting a “small jade vase⁣ as a ‌birthday⁢ gift” from Zhu Guangyao, China’s vice minister ‌of finance at the time.⁤ The Chinese Communist Party’s decisions and policies on public finance are to ⁣be implemented, according to the website of the Ministry of Finance.

According to the story in the Bulletin, Zhu ⁢and Owens’ team “worked very closely during the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic ⁣Dialogue.”

A few weeks after arriving​ back in Beijing, Owens sent Schwerin an email with the subject line “China’s CIC May Post Record ‌Year for 2009 as Markets Recover,” which Schwerin sent on July 23, 2010, to Hunter.

On August 4, 2010,⁢ Schwerin introduced Owens to Jack Casey through email after he claimed to have spoken with Casey earlier that day about ‌“GSEs and China.‌ Casey is the vice ‌chairman of Meridian Investments.

“Jack,” Schwerin wrote. “Good seeing you at ‍lunch today. Per our conversation regarding GSEs and China, I wanted to put you​ in⁣ touch with Hunter’s cousin, Casey Owens, who is at the Treasury Department and works on the Strategic Economic Dialogue. I have cc:ed Casey on this email. Feel free to reach out ⁤to⁣ her directly, she’s expecting to hear from you.”

“Jack, Happy to speak ⁤at your convenience,” Owens responded after. ‌“Best, Casey.”

The email was forwarded later on to Hunter as well, according to transcripts acquired by Fox News.

An insider source ‍with knowledge⁢ of Rosemont Seneca’s interest in CIC ‌claimed that Owens was most likely providing information ‌to the firm to boost their chances‍ of persuading CIC to invest in ​their fund customers. However, the source said that they were unaware of any agreements that the⁣ business may have had with CIC.

On March 8, 2011,⁢ Schwerin emailed Hunter and Rosemont Seneca co-founder Devon ​Archer a list of the top state-owned sovereign wealth funds as of the time, as well as their rankings, according to the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI).

“Let’s discuss today what else ⁣we can be doing to connect with these groups,” Archer responded, adding that Rosemont Seneca was “already working” ​with​ several funds on the list.

Archer also added that he was planning a related⁤ meeting in April with the CIC.

“CIC-​ scheduling meeting for April 21st,” Archer said.

Before she departed the Treasury⁢ on May 10, 2011, ⁤Owens sent an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Uncle Joe” ‍in⁤ which ‍she discussed the ‌vice president’s statements from the opening session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic⁢ Dialogue the day before.

“Uncle Joe,” Owens wrote. “Just​ got home from work and couldn’t wait to​ send you an email. ⁢Today was truly ⁢a memorable day for me. I keep⁣ thinking about Mommom. Can you imagine⁤ her ⁤seeing us huddled up⁣ back⁤ stage together? She would have loved⁢ it. It chokes me ⁤up. I have so much to learn! Sitting back ⁣there with you was very, ⁣very humbling. I was just blown away. You ALWAYS‍ make time to talk to me. Always. But today was really incredible. I still can’t believe you took the time to discuss the issues with me.”

“And your remarks,” she continued. “That was really something ⁤else,⁤ Uncle Joe. What a way to exit the Treasury. I’m almost⁤ embarrassed ⁢by how deeply today has impacted me. I’m simply happy to be close to you, and I just wanted to say thank you for including me. Love Casey.”

Later, the​ “auks” email account forwarded Owens’ email⁤ to‌ Hunter, Beau⁣ Biden, and Owens’ mother Valerie ​Biden Owens.

The “auks” account can‍ also be viewed in several email exchanges on Hunter’s ⁢laptop, and many believe⁢ that auks is another alias used by the then-vice president. The mascot of ⁣Archmere Academy, where Biden and ‌his son finished high school, is an “Auks”.

According to her LinkedIn page, Owens, who ​now⁣ goes​ by Castello, departed the Treasury in July 2011.

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