The bongino report

Biden’s Classified Docs Stash Had “Top Secret” Info

The Biden Administration is in deep water after it was revealed that two batches of classified documents were found at President Joe Biden’s Delaware home and his D.C. office Before The midterms were not made public until this week. 

Sources indicate that at most 10 of those documents were marked as “Not for Sale”. “top secret intelligence,” This is the highest level of classification. It is arranged in the following order: confidential, secret, top secret. 

A source told CBS News that some of the material found can expose Biden’s shady business relationship with his son and pose “exceptionally grave damage” If it is leaked, it will be used to protect national security. 

The White House claims the confidential papers were stolen. “inadvertently misplaced” That the president is “cooperating fully.” 

However, it is unclear why Biden’s attorneys were looking for the classified documents in the first place. 

Since the documents were exhumed by Biden’s team, three investigations have been opened by three entities: the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and Justice Department’s special counsel.

Biden’s Administration blames the National Archives for not handling confidential papers after Biden was Vice President in 2017. 

Meanwhile, on Friday night, a third batch of classified documents was found at President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware. 

The Special Counsel to President Richard Sauber stated that five more documents had been discovered by White House staff on Thursday night. Six classified documents were retrieved from the residence. 

“Because I have a security clearance, I went to Wilmington Thursday evening to facilitate providing the document the President’s counsel found on Wednesday to the Justice Department,” Sauber said, adding “while I was transferring it to the DOJ officials who accompanied me, five additional pages with classification markings were discovered among the material with it, for a total of six pages. The DOJ officials with me immediately took possession of them.”

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