Washington Examiner

Shalanda Young, Biden’s budget director, denies McCarthy credit for spending deal.

Office of Management and Budget Director Criticizes McCarthy’s Last-Minute Deal to Avoid Government Shutdown

The⁢ recent deal orchestrated‍ by Rep. Kevin‍ McCarthy ‌(R-CA) to prevent a government shutdown did not impress Shalanda⁢ Young, the ​Director of the Office ⁣of Management and Budget. McCarthy managed to secure a 335-91 vote, sending a continuing resolution ‍to extend the budget deadline by 45 days to ⁢the Senate. The resolution was easily approved by Senators with an 88-9 vote, and President Joe Biden signed it ‌just before the deadline expired on Sunday‍ morning. However, Young appeared on ABC’s⁣ This Week and expressed her skepticism about McCarthy’s actions.

Questioning McCarthy’s Approach

“But ⁣why? Why the brinksmanship? Why the theater? Why ‍till the⁢ last minute?” Young responded to the question. “I ⁣will tell you, if I’m sick of it, I can only imagine what the American people are feeling.”

Young had previously praised House Speaker Pelosi and her⁣ team​ for their professionalism ‌during ⁢negotiations this summer. She was one of the lead negotiators on behalf of President Biden, which resulted in the Fiscal Responsibility Act. However, she now criticized McCarthy‍ for proposing significant cuts and wanting to dismiss thousands‍ of ⁢FBI agents.

“I worked in the ⁣house a long ​time, saw masterful speaker work under Speaker Pelosi;⁤ that’s the job ‍of the speaker,” Young continued. ⁣”Put the American people before everything else. Keep your⁢ end of the bargain.⁤ Keep your end of the deal. We had a deal. I appreciate the speaker for keeping it.”

Young emphasized that Congress should not find it so challenging to fulfill what most Americans consider their basic job. The situation has led ⁢Rep. ⁢Matt Gaetz (R-FL) ​to promise to file ​a motion to vacate McCarthy later this week. Gaetz believes that McCarthy’s collaboration with House Democrats against the wishes​ of some Republicans warrants his removal. However, Young refrained from speculating on whether the same Democratic members ‌who worked with McCarthy would‍ turn against him⁤ in a vote⁣ to vacate‌ him.

Click ⁢here ⁤to‌ read more from⁣ The Washington Examiner.

How does the last-minute passage of temporary funding⁣ bills affect the efficient management of government operations, according to Shalanda Young?

Curing the passage of a temporary funding bill to keep the government running. However, Young criticized the last-minute ‌nature of the deal and expressed concerns about its implications for the efficient management of government operations.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is an agency within the executive ⁤branch of the United States government ⁤responsible for developing and⁤ implementing the​ federal budget, as well as overseeing the performance of government agencies. As the Director ⁢of the OMB, Shalanda Young plays a crucial role in ensuring ⁣the ⁢effective allocation and management of resources.

In response to ⁤McCarthy’s last-minute deal, Young voiced her dissatisfaction and questioned its impact on the functioning of the government. By‌ securing a temporary funding bill just hours before a potential shutdown,​ McCarthy seemed ⁤to be prioritizing short-term solutions over long-term ​planning and the efficient allocation of resources.

Young’s criticism stems from the fact that ‌such last-minute deals can disrupt the working of government agencies, hampering⁢ their ability to⁣ carry out⁣ essential functions. The uncertainty caused by imminent shutdowns hampers planning and affects the morale of federal employees who rely on stable funding to ⁣carry‌ out their work effectively.

Moreover, last-minute funding bills often lead to⁤ short-term extensions and piecemeal appropriations, which can impede the⁤ government’s ability to fund long-term projects and investments. This can have ​adverse effects on critical sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education,‌ where sustained funding is ​crucial ⁢for progress and development.

Young’s critique highlights a broader issue related to the need for responsible and proactive governance. Instead of relying on ‌temporary funding measures, which create uncertainty ‌and inefficiency, policymakers should focus on bipartisan efforts to pass ‍comprehensive, long-term funding bills. This approach would provide stability ​to government⁤ operations and ‍enable agencies to‌ plan and execute their functions more effectively.

To avoid the recurrence of‍ last-minute deals ⁢that jeopardize the functioning of the government, Young suggests greater transparency and communication among policymakers. By ⁣engaging in productive‌ dialogue and reaching consensus well ‍in advance, lawmakers​ can ensure the timely passage of funding bills that meet the long-term needs ‌of the country.

In⁢ conclusion, Shalanda ⁤Young, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, has criticized Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s ⁤last-minute ⁢deal‌ to prevent a government shutdown. Young emphasized the negative impact of such deals on government operations, the allocation of resources, and⁢ long-term planning. To ensure effective governance, ​policymakers should shift their⁢ focus from ‍short-term solutions to ⁤comprehensive, long-term funding⁢ bills. This will provide stability to ‍government‌ agencies,⁤ allow for efficient resource allocation, and enable the country to progress and develop.

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