The bongino report

Biden Wishes Republicans Good Luck Investigating Hunter


During a press conference on Wednesday, President Biden was asked about the prospect of Republicans investigating his son Hunter if they gain control of the House. The allegations are for influence peddling while his father was in the White House as VP under Barack Obama.

In his response, Biden wished Republicans “lots of luck,” and referred to calls for his impeachment as “almost comedy.”

“Republicans have made it clear,” CBS News’ Nancy Cordes began, “that if they do take control of the House, that they want to launch rapid investigations on day one into your handling of Afghanistan, the border; they want to look into some of your cabinet officials, they want to investigate you, they may even want to investigate your son.”

“What’s your message to Republicans who are considering investigating your family and particularly your son Hunter’s business deals?”

“Lots of luck in your senior year, as my coach used to say,” Biden replied. “Look, I think the American public wants us to move on and get things done for them.”

“I heard,” he continued, “that Republicans were saying that the former president said ‘How many times are you gonna impeach Biden?’ … I think the American people will look at all of that for what it is, it’s just almost comedy.”

“Look, I can’t control what they’re gonna do,” he concluded. “All I can do is continue to try to make life better for the American people.”

While Biden doesn’t appear worried about what Republicans might do, others have expressed fear over the possibility that impeachment proceedings may actually be initiated.

In a recent segment on CNN, former Democratic senator Al Franken said he was worried, adding, “there will be hearings, there will be investigations, they’ll investigate Hunter Biden, it’ll be very toxic.”

“Marjorie Taylor Greene and those people will want to impeach Biden,” he added. “I worry about it just being very very ugly and I’m pretty sure that’s pretty predictable.”

Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation regarding his taxes since 2018, and since then, more details have come to light regarding his father’s alleged knowledge via whistleblowers and the infamous “laptop from hell.”

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