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Biden Said Oil Companies Were Sitting on 9,000 Unused Drilling Permits. He Was Wrong.

Dem’s Interior Department updates data, debunks White House talking points on gas prices. Billboard outside the White House. / Getty Images

In an effort to shift the blame for rising gas prices President Joe Biden charged oil companies with “sitting on nearly 9,000 unused but approved” Permits for drilling. His own administration now admits that it is wrong.

E&E News reported Monday, that Biden’s Interior Department had quietly updated its list containing unused permits to reflect an even lower number: 6,600. The department is responsible for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. “reporting discrepancy.”

Biden feels the blow as he defends himself against Republican critics. Discuss The Democrat is “attacking American energy” Increasing gas prices through slowing down fossil fuel production. Biden repeatedly responded to this accusation by accusing oil companies of “sitting on nearly 9,000 unused but approved permits for production on federal lands,” A popular myth that has been disproven. Biden has seen new oil leasing slow to its maximum Lowest level since World War IIDemocrat approves only court-ordered and congressionally mandated leases.

Biden is not the only one who has used the 9,000-permit talk point, but other top administration officials like John Kirby, National Security Council spokesperson, and Jen Psaki (ex-White House press secretary), have also used it to argue that the oil industry has been a failure. “plenty of opportunities … to drill here in the United States.” The American Petroleum Institute condemned the administration’s conduct. “inaccurate and misleading numbers” Biden was called to “support American production.”

“It is time for the administration to end the finger-pointing and instead support American production with a comprehensive strategy for American energy development—one that includes a final five-year program for offshore leasing and quarterly onshore lease sales,” The institute stated in a statement.

The White House didn’t respond to our request for comment.

Biden campaigned strongly against domestic production of oil and gas in 2020. “end fossil fuel.” After taking office, the Democrat cancelled Keystone XL and instituted a moratorium regarding new gas leases. Gas prices later reached record highs—in June 2022, the average price for a gallon of gas in the United States hit $5 for the first time ever.

The Biden campaign’s crusade against fossil fuels—which helped the Democrat Appeal to young liberals

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