Washington Examiner

Biden advocates for gun control and opposes ‘book bans’ in July 4 message to teachers union.

President Joe Biden Addresses Gun Control and “Banning Books” in Independence Day Message

President Joe Biden delivered a powerful message on gun control and the importance of education during his address to the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the nation.

Biden joined the NEA’s annual summit in Florida via video, a state that has recently faced criticism for its divisive rhetoric and actions. Union President Becky Pringle described it as “Ground zero for shameful, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic rhetoric and dangerous actions.”

Watch Live: Joe Biden Celebrates Fourth of July with NEA, Nation’s Largest Teachers Union

In his speech, Biden emphasized the need for Congress to pass commonsense gun safety laws to protect students and educators. He firmly stated that arming teachers is not the solution to the issue of gun violence in schools.

Among the measures he advocated for were banning semi-automatic rifles, which he referred to as “assault weapons,” prohibiting “high-capacity magazines,” and implementing thorough background checks.

Interestingly, Biden also touched upon the topic of “banning books,” expressing his support for teachers and educators who stand against politicians using book bans as a means to gain political advantage.

Although he did not specify which books he was referring to, it is likely that Biden was addressing concerns raised by conservatives and parents nationwide regarding explicit and potentially inappropriate materials accessible to children in schools.

Biden’s message at the NEA summit stands in stark contrast to the recent Moms for Liberty summit held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At this event, parents from across the country gathered to learn strategies for increasing parental oversight over local school boards and teachers who, according to many attendees, attempt to conceal classroom materials from parents. Outside the summit, protesters distributed “banned” books to highlight their concerns.

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During his address, Biden referenced the influential Greek philosopher Plato, demonstrating the power of a great educator. He humorously asked, “What the hell did Plato say?” before paraphrasing Plato’s words from the Republic: “The penalty that people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves.”

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