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Biden Picks Liberal Climate Scientist to Serve on Intel Advisory Board

Kim Cobb, a Brown University student, entered an ‘acute mental illness crisis’ after Trump’s win in 2016.

Kim Cobb / Tweet

President Joe Biden has added a new member to his prestigious board. She is a liberal climate scientist, who claimed she had an experience with an “acute mental health crisis” “could not get out of bed” Following the 2016 election of Donald Trump,

Kim Cobb, a Brown University climate scientist, was appointed by Biden to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. This is the White House. Announcement In a press statement. Past presidents The board was used Cobb is not able to digest sensitive and disturbing information, but it is possible that he will probe high-profile intelligence failures and threats to national security.

Cobb was sucked in by the news of Trump’s surprise win in 2016. “an acute mental health crisis” She was then unable for several weeks to move. “get out of bed, despite having four children to tend to,” The climate scientist Telled Mother Jones 2019 “I could not see a way forward,” Cobb was still alive at the time. “My most resounding thought was, how could my country do this? I had to face the fact that there was a veritable tidal wave of people who don’t care about climate change and who put personal interest above the body of scientific information I had contributed to.”

Cobb’s appointment on the board is a reflection of the Biden administration’s all-of-government approach in combating climate change. Biden published an article on climate change one week after he took office in January 2021. executive order Climate change considerations were declared by “central to United States foreign policy and national security” Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, was contacted to provide a report. “national security impacts of climate change.” Biden identified climate changes as the problem months later in June 2021. “greatest threat” American national security.

Cobb and the White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Beyond Cobb is self-described “mental health crisis” Following the 2016 presidential election the climate scientist for 2014 Her conduct “third live radio interview for the Voice of Russia,” a now-defunct Russian government radio network. The network Targeted To “restore a fair attitude towards Russia as an important country of the world with good intentions,” Dmitry Kiselyov, a Russian propagandist, stated that Cobb made his third Voice of Russia appearance in December 2013. This was approximately one year prior to Cobb’s appearance. Cobb is also a Join us CLIVAR, an international network of climate researchers that receives support from China’s Ministry of Natural Resources.

The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board is by no means a well-known entity—a 2006 Richard Lounsbery Foundation Report It was called “one of the smallest, most secretive, least well-known … parts of the U.S. intelligence community.” The report points out that the board can still have a tremendous influence if the president asks it to. Richard Nixon ordered the board to give a year-end assessment of Soviet Union’s nuclear threats. Board members did this, however. “historically had access to the most highly classified intelligence from the entire intelligence community,” According to the report. But not all presidents have held the board in high regard—some have opted to fill it with high-profile political supporters who were rarely consulted, the report states.

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