the daily wire

Biden officials remove razor wire on southern border, raising concerns about increased illegal immigration.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Takes Action to Address Border Crisis

Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently shared a compelling video on social media, ⁣exposing President Joe Biden’s Border Patrol cutting razor wire ⁢that Texas had strategically placed‌ along the Rio ⁢Grande ⁣to prevent illegal immigration.

In a tweet, Governor Abbott expressed his disappointment, stating, “Texas installed razor wire ⁣in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings. ⁣Today, the Biden ​Admin CUT that⁣ wire, opening‌ the floodgates ⁢to illegal immigrants.”

Responding swiftly to the​ situation, Governor ‌Abbott deployed additional Texas National Guard troops⁢ to repel illegal crossings ⁤and ⁤reinforce the razor⁢ wire barrier.

According to NewsNation, approximately 4,000‌ illegal aliens stormed the area, causing a line that stretched five ​miles ‍long, extending into Mexico.

Mayor Rolando Salinas of Eagle Pass, a‌ Democrat,⁣ declared a local disaster to secure additional ‌resources to manage the crisis. He expressed concern for the strain‍ on local resources and the worries of the community.

Mayor Salinas, ‌in an‌ interview with CNN, expressed his frustration, stating,‌ “The current crisis at the border⁣ is unacceptable. I haven’t heard from anyone in the administration. No one has bothered to call ​me.”

The Biden administration has ‌yet to release ⁣official immigration totals for ‍August, but reports indicate that the numbers are ⁢climbing back ⁢to the ​peak seen in May. Over the course of a few days,⁣ an average‍ of 9,000 immigrants per day crossed the southern border. On a single⁢ day, more than 9,700 immigrants were caught or processed while attempting ‍to cross‍ illegally or through ports of entry.

These numbers do not even include the “got-aways,” meaning ‍the actual number‌ of immigrants⁢ who‍ entered ⁤the country is likely even higher. The record for daily crossings was set in May, with over 10,000 crossings per day ‌before the repeal of Title 42.


Tim Pearce contributed to this​ report.

How has the Biden​ administration’s ​changes in immigration‌ policies impacted the ⁢border crisis in Texas?


The border crisis in Texas has been a ‌growing ⁣concern in recent months. With the Biden administration’s⁣ changes in ​immigration policies, there has been a significant increase in illegal crossings along the Texas-Mexico border. Governor Abbott’s actions to address‌ this crisis are necessary in order to protect ⁣the state and its citizens.

The decision by President ​Biden’s Border Patrol to cut the‌ razor wire barrier is a ⁤troubling development. It sends ‌a‍ message that the administration‍ is not⁢ taking the ⁤issue of illegal immigration seriously. Not only does this compromise the safety and ⁢security of Texas, but it⁢ also undermines the ​efforts of ⁣border patrol‌ agents who work tirelessly to secure the border.

By deploying additional Texas National ​Guard ⁢troops and reinforcing‍ the razor wire barrier, Governor Abbott is taking proactive measures to repel illegal ​crossings and maintain the integrity of the ‍border. This swift response demonstrates his commitment ‌to​ protecting‌ Texas and upholding the ⁢rule of law.

The surge ​of approximately 4,000 illegal aliens storming‍ the‍ area ⁢highlights the​ urgency of the situation. ​It is⁢ clear that the current border crisis is straining⁣ local ⁤resources and causing‍ significant ‍disruptions for the community ​of Eagle⁢ Pass. Mayor Salinas’ declaration⁣ of​ a local disaster reflects the severity of the issue and the need for immediate assistance.

Unfortunately,​ Mayor‍ Salinas’ ‍frustration with the lack of communication from the administration is a ⁣common sentiment ‍shared by​ many local leaders along the Texas-Mexico border. The lack of coordination and support from‍ the ‌federal government only exacerbates ​the challenges faced by these communities.

Governor Abbott’s ⁤actions should serve as ⁢a wake-up call to the Biden administration. ​The border crisis ⁤in Texas requires‍ swift and decisive action. It cannot be ignored or brushed aside. The safety and security of our nation ⁣depend on‍ the ​effective management of our‌ borders.

As ‌the situation at ‌the Texas-Mexico ‍border continues to escalate,‌ it is ​crucial ‍for the ⁣federal government to work hand-in-hand⁤ with state and ⁢local officials. The border crisis is a shared responsibility, and ‍it is imperative that all levels‌ of ‍government collaborate‌ to find ⁣effective ⁢solutions.

Governor Abbott’s leadership in ‌addressing‍ the border crisis should be commended. His ‌commitment to securing ⁤our borders and ⁣protecting Texas is unwavering. It is​ my hope that his actions‍ will inspire other ⁢leaders‍ to ‌prioritize the issue of illegal immigration ⁤and​ work towards ​a comprehensive solution.

The border crisis in Texas is not just​ a local issue, but a ⁣national one. It is time for the Biden ‌administration to recognize the severity of the situation⁤ and take decisive action. The safety and security of our nation should always be our top⁢ priority, and addressing ⁣the border crisis is an essential step in achieving that goal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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