The bongino report

Biden Laughs When Asked If Charges Against Trump Are Politically Divisive

Joe Biden was asked for his thoughts on Donald Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday, and his reaction was sure to get under anyone’s skin.

When a reporter posed the question, “Is the indictment of your predecessor politically divisive…?” to Biden, he responded with a smirk and a chuckle, but no actual answer.

It was abundantly clear that Biden knew the charges against Trump were inherently political, and everyone else did as well. Even if Biden had given an answer, it would not have changed the fact that he was a corrupt and installed president with no genuine support from the people.

The Democratic Party’s relentless attacks on political rivals using Soros-funded progressive prosecutors are not only motivated by a desire to harm Trump, but also to crush the American people’s will. The day Trump was arraigned, the rule of law and the Republic died.

Biden’s smug chuckle demonstrated his belief that he could never be held responsible for any wrongdoing committed by his family.

Conservative actor Jon Voight’s remarks on Tuesday perfectly encapsulated the concerns of Americans when he stated, “The Biden administration is a false security for our nation. It’s a joke. It’s a disgrace. And now, we have the greatest chance to make it great again.”

“We must all vote in 2024 for the only president that can take this country and strip away the dirt, the grime, the lies, and make this country what it was meant to be, the greatest country, the land of the free, where opportunities were great.”

“We the people must see this lie that they have brought upon President Trump,” Voight said, urging all Americans to reclaim their country.

READ: Jon Voight: Only Donald Trump Can ‘Stop the Swamp’

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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