The bongino report

Biden Defends His Immigration Policy, Trashes Republicans and Other Critics in Mexico

Tuesday saw the conclusion of the summit of Three Amigos in Mexico with a joint press conference. Joe Biden, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) of Mexico, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada were all smiles. During the press conference, Biden took the opportunity to slam his critics – especially Republicans – for not working with him on his policy agenda on immigration. What a joke.

Joe Biden wanted to focus on something more serious, such as climate change, at the summit. However, the truth of the Biden border crises was on the agenda. Biden was unable to say 30,000 when he thanked AMLO for his agreement to return 30,000 illegal migrants per month. Instead of saying that 30,000 were returned, he thanked AMLO.Or taking back 3,000. The man doesn’t know anything.

“I want to thank the president of Mexico for agreeing to take up to 3,000 people back,” Biden spoke apparently in reference to last week’s announcement that Mexico would receive 30,000 migrants from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nicaragua, and Cuba each month who try to illegally cross into the United States.

Democrats and human rights groups have condemned increased enforcement at the borders as an inhumane denial to asylum rights. However, Mr. Biden stated Tuesday that new legal immigration programs were needed to help people from these countries.

“There can no longer be any question, none, in today’s interconnected world. We cannot wall ourselves off from shared problems,” Mr. Biden said, adding, “We’re trying to make it easier for people to get here.”

Joe Biden’s hypocrisy has no boundaries. Biden lives behind a wall when he’s in any of his homes in Delaware, thanks to the American taxpayer. Walls work. He believes in them, or else he wouldn’t use them to protect his home.

Biden enjoyed AMLO’s nice words during the press conference. Biden was praised by AMLO for being the first president to not build any wall at the border. Biden didn’t correct him.

At the news conference after the summit, Mr. López Obrador delivered a lengthy history of the changes in migration patterns over the past several decades and emphasized his belief that the best way to prevent people from leaving their homes was to invest in making their countries prosperous and safe.

He praised Biden’s recognition of this reality and criticised past American presidents who had too focused on keeping immigrants out of the country.

“You are the first president of the United States in a very long time that has not built not even one meter of wall,” Mr. López Obrador said. “And that — we thank you for that, sir.”

Fact checkBiden approved a plan in July 2022 to finish a section on the border wall close to Yuma, Arizona. The wall was begun during the Trump administration and Biden’s plan, also approved by DHS Sec. Mayorkas plugs four of the major gaps in wall that make the Yuma area one of the most important corridors for illegal migration crossings. If he knew that at all, Biden has likely forgotten it.

Not to leave anyone out, AMLO also smacked Texas Governor Abbott, though he wasn’t quite ballsy enough to mention him by name. Nonetheless, His intent was obvious.

The Mexican president took a subtle swipe at Greg Abbott (the Republican governor of Texas), who bused migrants to Washington last month, and dropped them off in cold weather in front the Naval Observatory, which is the home of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“This is politicking. This is completely inhuman,” Mr. López Obrador said, referring to “one of the governors” The following is a “neighboring country” In his remarks. “And this should not be done.”

Biden and his amigos talked about enforcement against drug- and weapon trafficking at the southern border. The White House stated that the leaders had reached an agreement to share more information. If they aren’t actually acting with enforcement, though, it’s all just talk. Biden’s border crisis has seen the rise of drug cartels along the border.

Other issues on Tuesday’s agenda included renewed efforts to combat trafficking of drugs and weapons in North America. Biden administration officials have felt frustrated over the last two years by what they claim is a lack in Mexican cooperation in drug investigation investigations.

According to the White House fact sheet, leaders have agreed to strengthen North American Drug Dialogue. This will increase information sharing and enhance cooperation among the three nations in nuclear security and safety.

Another overseas trip, another opportunity for President Unity, to criticize those who are critical of him, and specifically, call out Republicans. Remember when we had presidents who didn’t do that? Politics stopped at the water’s edge. This would also include the Rio Grand River.

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