the federalist

Biden accused of hypocrisy: Cried ‘book ban,’ but pressured Amazon to ban rivals

Democrats and their accomplices in the⁣ media have gone to great lengths to convince voters⁤ that conservatives want ​to “ban books.” But the truth is​ far from it.

These leftists are defending explicit sexual content for children, while⁣ attacking concerned parents who want to remove age-inappropriate ‍books from schools and libraries. These books contain disturbing content such as rape, incest, and ‌pedophilia. Yet, Democrats compare those who oppose these books to Nazis who burn ⁣books.

Democrat activists ​even argue that explicit books help LGBT kids “feel seen”⁣ and accuse Republicans of “castrating” children by shielding them from inappropriate content. President Biden himself ⁢has smeared Republicans for “banning books” and appointed a “book ban coordinator” during pride month.

Ironically, while Democrats were busy crying ⁢about “book bans,”‌ the⁤ Biden White House ‍was pressuring Amazon‌ to remove books that raised concerns about‌ experimental Covid-19‌ shots. It seems that banning books is only acceptable when it aligns with their agenda.

Internal documents and emails subpoenaed by Republicans⁢ reveal that senior Biden official Andy Slavitt pressured Amazon to ban books ⁢that disagreed ‍with​ Democrat policies. This censorship extends beyond vaccines, as the​ White House wanted to control‍ what information Americans have access to.

Amazon initially resisted manual censorship, not out of a commitment to free ‌speech, but ⁤because it didn’t want to face criticism. ‌However, under pressure from the White ‍House, Amazon decided not to promote books that didn’t ⁢align with the Democrat administration’s views. They even considered further steps⁣ to reduce the visibility of these books.

So, while Democrats were accusing others of‌ “book bans,” they were colluding with ⁢Amazon to bury non-leftist viewpoints. It’s a clear double standard.

And let’s not forget about the hypocrisy of Democrats. While they claim ‌to be ⁤concerned about explicit content for kids, they can easily order these books from Amazon with a click of ‌a button. These books are not banned in any way.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is using its power to make it difficult to find mainstream viewpoints it disagrees with. ⁣They want to control the narrative and limit⁢ access to information.

So, there may be ⁤a ⁢”book ban,” but it’s certainly not on gay porn for children.


What is the impact of the hypocrisy displayed⁢ by Democrats in their defense ‌of explicit books and ​censorship of opposing narratives?

Government‍ and fearing backlash, they eventually gave in and removed books that were critical of​ the Biden‍ administration’s policies. This is a clear example of government interference in free speech and the suppression of opposing viewpoints.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats and‌ their‌ allies in the media is astounding. They​ cry foul when​ conservatives express their concerns about ⁢inappropriate content being exposed to children, but they have no⁢ qualms about censoring and banning books that challenge their own narratives. It is a blatant double‌ standard that undermines the principles of free ⁤speech and open discourse.

Furthermore, the argument that explicit books help LGBT kids feel seen is disingenuous ​at best. Children should⁤ be protected from explicit⁢ content‌ that is not appropriate for their⁣ age, regardless of their sexual orientation. It ⁤is the responsibility ‌of parents and⁢ educators to ensure that ⁣children are exposed to ‍age-appropriate material that fosters their development and well-being.

By labeling those who oppose these explicit⁢ books as Nazis, Democrats are resorting⁢ to inflammatory rhetoric and attempting to silence any dissenting voices. This kind of demonization and character assassination is a tactic commonly used to delegitimize the concerns and opinions of those who disagree with the left’s agenda.

The Biden administration’s appointment of a “book ban coordinator” is a particularly concerning development. It suggests a concerted effort to control the dissemination of information and restrict ​access to alternative‌ perspectives. This is not the behavior of a government that values free⁤ speech and‌ open dialogue.

In a democratic society, it is‍ essential to protect the freedom of expression and uphold ‍the right to access diverse viewpoints. Banning ⁣books and censoring content goes against these fundamental principles and erodes the⁣ fabric of our democracy.

It is ⁣crucial for citizens to⁤ remain vigilant and voice their opposition to any form ​of censorship,‌ whether it comes from the government or powerful ‌corporations like Amazon. The free exchange of ideas and the ability to critically analyze information are the foundations ⁤of⁤ a thriving‌ democracy.

In conclusion, the portrayal of conservatives as wanting to “ban books” is ‌a gross misrepresentation of their concerns about age-inappropriate and explicit content. The Democrats’ defense of‍ these books and their censorship of​ opposing viewpoints expose their hypocrisy‌ and disregard for free speech. It is imperative to fight against any attempts to suppress dissenting voices and preserve the principles of ‌open discourse and free expression.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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