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Biden Comes Away From First Border Trip Having Seen Nothing And Learned Nothing

It might have taken him half a term, but President Joe Biden finally visited the country’s southern border.

Sunday was the second anniversary of the President’s visit to El Paso at the U.S.-Mexico border. This is where he either severely restricted or repealed nearly all policies put in place by his Republican predecessors.

The entire trip had all the characteristics of a politician who wants to make a show while trying to avoid accountability. Biden’s meant to present himself as an assertive commander-in-chief who takes the border seriously with his brief appearance, but in reality, it was a pretend performance all along.

According CNN described the presidential visit as “a wonderful experience.” “tightly controlled visit,” Biden is the headline of its coverage “responded to a few questions from reporters, saying that the government would provide every resource at the border.” The network did not extrapolate from what was asked and reported that Biden met workers at a detention center for migrants. The small selection of reporters who traveled with the president generated no news from the visit beyond photos and facts about the president’s general whereabouts.

Fox News reported that the president was able to polish the areas he visited before arriving. Sources from Customs and Border Protection Described A “sanitized and orderly” situation presented to the president, clouding the severity of the crisis, where pop-up encampments in El Paso were dissolved ahead of Biden’s trip.

Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, Telled Fox News the president didn’t even visit the most problematic areas.

“You can look across the ports of entry on the entire southwest border, and that’s not where we’re seeing the illegal immigration,” Judd told Monday, the network. “We’re seeing the illegal immigration between the ports of entry.”

The president’s visit, however, failed to include time with either migrants or border agents stationed along the nearly 2,000-mile-long perimeter’s most stressed areas. Biden’s critics have repeatedly criticized his inability to visit the border. Meanwhile, overwhelmed law enforcement fails to stop the surge of migration.

CBP reported approximately 3.5 million in October 2.3 Million The CBP set a new 12-month record for migrant encounters in 2022 fiscal year. CBP has estimated that 600,000 migrants managed to escape capture. According Fox News officials.

The House Republicans responded by threatening to wield their new majority in the lower chamber for Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s impeachment.

“We have lost operational control of our southern border, empowering drug cartels and human trafficking,” Kevin McCarthy, House Republican leader, in November just before he was elected to speakership. “If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action, and every failure [and] will determine whether we can begin an impeachment inquiry.”

Biden’s brief border blitz foreshadowed preparations for the administration’s revocation

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