Washington Examiner

New regulations by the Biden administration aim to address struggling colleges and for-profit institutions.

The Biden Administration Takes Action to‍ Protect Students and Taxpayers

The Department of Education under ​the Biden ⁢administration has announced new ⁣regulations aimed at⁤ safeguarding students and taxpayers ⁤from the ⁤financial instability of for-profit colleges and universities. These rules, set to take effect ‍in July 2024, expand federal oversight and regulation ‌of educational institutions that ‍may face​ closure due to financial ‌difficulties.

Secretary‍ of Education Miguel Cardona emphasized the‍ need for consumer protection during‍ a conference call with⁣ reporters,‍ highlighting the plight ‍of students left ‍stranded when colleges abruptly shut down. He expressed concern over taxpayers‌ being burdened with debt discharges resulting from such closures. The new regulations aim to raise⁤ accountability standards and ‍ensure the well-being of ⁢students and taxpayers.

Enhanced Oversight and Disclosure Requirements

The‍ new regulations introduce several ⁤requirements for institutions, compelling them to disclose “triggering events” that indicate financial struggles.⁣ These ‍events‌ include a ‍failing financial responsibility composite score, a high cohort default rate, or⁣ lawsuits filed⁤ against ‍the school at the federal or ⁤state level.

Furthermore, the regulations prohibit schools⁢ from‌ withholding transcripts from students and grant the Department of Education the authority ⁢to impose conditions ⁢on financially unstable institutions. ‍These ​conditions may include restrictions on the expansion of locations and programs.

Targeting Predatory Institutions

Undersecretary of Education James Kvaal emphasized that these regulations specifically target predatory⁤ and low-quality post-secondary institutions, particularly for-profit colleges. The Department of Education had previously ⁢introduced a “gainful ⁣employment” rule,⁢ requiring for-profit schools to demonstrate that ​their programs‍ lead to financial ⁤success for graduates.

Kvaal stated that these rules ‌equip the department with greater tools to protect taxpayers from losses ⁢resulting from school misconduct and closures. They also ensure that students pursuing ⁤licensure programs can achieve​ their​ educational goals.

A Broader Effort to Address Student⁤ Loan Issues

Cardona and Kvaal positioned these new regulations as part of the Biden administration’s comprehensive⁤ approach to addressing ‌problems in the ‌student loan program.​ The Department of Education has already discharged⁤ $127 billion in federally held student loans for 3.6 million ‍borrowers, utilizing programs such as income-driven repayment, public⁤ service loan forgiveness, and borrower’s ‍defense of ‍repayment.

Cardona emphasized that these final rules⁤ aim ⁤to fix a broken system, protecting students and ‍families while addressing abuses in higher education that ​have cost taxpayers billions ⁤of‍ dollars.⁢ The⁤ administration aims to ensure that students receive a solid return ​on their‍ investment in higher education​ and have a greater chance at achieving the American dream.

However, these regulations have faced criticism from Republicans on Capitol Hill. ​House Education and Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx ‌denounced the rule as executive branch ‍overreach, urging the Department of Education ⁤to recognize ⁣the limits ⁢of⁣ its authority.

How will the⁣ new regulations hold educational institutions accountable for high cohort default rates and ‍encourage student loan repayment

Ity to access⁠ ⁢financial⁣ and other ⁣relevant ⁣information regarding the school’s financial stability. This enhanced⁣ oversight ⁤will help identify institutions that may be at risk of closure and take prompt action to protect students and taxpayers.

Student Protections

Under the⁢ new⁣ regulations,⁤ students will have access to more information about the financial health of their⁢ college or university. Educational institutions will be required ⁣to provide clear ⁤and comprehensive disclosures about ‍their ⁢financial stability, ⁢including potential risks and obligations, to ensure students can make‌ informed decisions about their education.

Additionally, schools must develop plans to ⁤assist students‍ in completing their programs​ of study in the event of a⁤ closure. These ‌plans should outline options for transfer ⁣to ⁣other institutions, ⁤refund policies, ⁤and academic support‍ services to minimize the disruption caused by sudden closures. By implementing ⁢these protections, the ‍Biden administration⁣ seeks to ensure that students have the necessary resources and options‌ to continue their ⁣education ⁢without significant setbacks.

Financial Accountability

In⁤ an effort to protect taxpayers, the ⁤new regulations establish stricter financial accountability ⁢measures for for-profit colleges and universities. The Department of Education will closely monitor institutions with failing financial responsibility ⁣composite‍ scores and take appropriate action to mitigate risks. This includes imposing penalties, ‍such as fines and increased oversight, to ⁤discourage financial ⁤mismanagement.

Furthermore, the regulations emphasize ⁢the importance of student loan repayments. Educational ​institutions will⁢ be held accountable for‌ high cohort ⁤default rates, indicating a⁣ high number of students who​ are unable to repay their loans. ​The Department⁤ of Education will closely monitor​ these rates and take necessary actions, ‍including potential loss of federal financial aid eligibility, to encourage schools to prioritize student success and ⁤financial well-being.


The⁤ Biden‌ administration’s new regulations are a significant step towards protecting students, taxpayers, and the‍ integrity of the higher education⁤ system.⁣ By enhancing oversight, providing student protections,‌ and ensuring financial accountability, the Department of Education aims to prevent devastating consequences for‍ students and taxpayers when educational institutions face financial difficulties. These regulations demonstrate the administration’s commitment to creating ‌a fair and secure higher education landscape, ⁢where students can pursue their dreams without bearing unnecessary risks.

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